ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > International Childhood Cancer Day in Mexico: When is it?

International Childhood Cancer Day in Mexico: When is it?

10 January 2022

It is a fact that foundations and health centers are preparing to commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day. This date was set in 2001 in Luxembourg, to create a world campaign regarding pediatric cancer. Every year it is possible to give greater visibility to this disease that affects 400,000 children and adolescents, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

But, when is International Childhood Cancer Day celebrated in Mexico? According to the WHO, it is commemorated worldwide every February 15. Since then, a total of more than 90 countries have joined this initiative that seeks to raise awareness in society.

In addition to raising awareness about childhood cancer, part of the essence of this commemorative date is that affected children and adolescents, as well as their families, have access to comprehensive health systems.

Childhood Cancer Day in Mexico: Why is it celebrated?

It was the Asociación Mexicana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer (AMANC) who raised their hand to support this initiative. Little by little more institutions, organizations, foundations, and health centers gave their support. ABC Medical Center also joined this proposal, as well as the fight against childhood cancer.

Likewise, the National Childhood Cancer Program in Mexico also contributes by creating projects to reduce the risk factors associated with this disease. Meanwhile, it seeks to favor and promote early diagnosis, as well as a timely diagnosis to increase the survival rate.

Another relevant aspect in the framework of the International Childhood Cancer Day in Mexico is that government authorities intend to improve medical care for those under 18 years old. One of the ideas is to create and promote strategic alliances aimed at providing a quality service, as well as reducing treatment costs for those who do not have enough resources.

Fight against childhood cancer: let’s change tears for smiles

International Childhood Cancer Day was held in Luxembourg as an initiative of Childhood Cancer International (CCI), then known as the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organizations (ICCCPO). This alliance was made thanks to the collaboration of these entities with the Global Cancer Control (UICC), the WHO, and World Child Cancer.

It is estimated that each year between 5,000 and 6,000 cases of childhood cancer are diagnosed in Mexico. For this reason, efforts to improve this reality take on more importance within society. In addition, it is known that 65% of diagnoses are made in the advanced stages of the disease and it is crucial to promote early care. This February 15… Let’s change tears for smiles!

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