ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > The importance of a doula in pregnancy and childbirth

The importance of a doula in pregnancy and childbirth

6 May 2022

The importance of a doula in pregnancy and childbirth

Key points:

  • Doulas provide support before, during, and after childbirth
  • They are allies for the couple during the pregnancy and delivery process, promoting positive experiences in the birth of their sons or daughters.
  • They provide support and safety in labor to both mother and baby

The doula is a woman who accompanies the future mother by serving as a professional assistant focused on providing emotional and physical support to the couple during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

Various studies have been carried out on the benefits of having a doula, who is in charge of accompanying the woman during childbirth. Carmen Ortega Robles, perinatal educator and doula at the ABC Medical Center says that among the different benefits are:

  • Less protracted labors.
  • Natural births are favored.
  • Little use of painkillers.
  • More satisfying deliveries.
  • Benefits for lactation.

Furthermore, the doula will help the companion to actively participate throughout the process, but without the pressure of being the one who must solve each need or situation that arises during birth.

Of all the actions, the most important role of a doula is to provide support in labor and delivery itself; being able to offer a different opinion for decision-making regarding this process. However, the doula does not provide medical advice, she only offers another point of view through her knowledge and preparation.

Although the doula focuses more on childbirth, thanks to her experience she can support the couple in various ways:

  • Support in the physical comfort of the mother through touch, massage, or breathing.
  • Peace of mind, comfort, and encouragement.
  • Information on each stage of labor, explaining the procedures.
  • Facilitate couple-hospital staff communication.
  • Orientation.
  • Help during lactation.

At ABC Medical Center, couples are encouraged to have a positive experience during the birth of their babies, without losing sight of each person’s safety. Being committed to human warmth and natural childbirth.

If you have doubts about the process or benefits of having a doula during pregnancy, come to the Women’s Center to solve all your doubts.

At ABC Medical Center’s Obstetrics Center, we can provide you with specialized care. Contact us!

Carmen Ortega Robles – Educadora Perinatal y Doula

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