
When arriving at ABC Medical Center as an outpatient, hospitalized patient, and in compliance with institutional policies, an advance payment, a guarantee, and a current official ID of the patient will be requested. The advance payment will be applied to the hospital expenses account (according to the prices in force) as well as the payment guarantee that will be applied to complementary expenses. The advance payment can be made by credit or debit card, wire transfer, check, and/or cash. It is essential to provide a credit card as a guarantee. Regardless of the form of payment of the deposit, it is essential to provide a credit card to have an open voucher.

If the patient has a valid Major Medical Insurance Policy from an insurance company that has an agreement with ABC, the policy number and/or Authorization Letter will be required, as well as a payment guarantee and a current official ID of the patient. This Authorization Letter will be considered as a form of payment.

The Admissions area will process your admission and will accompany you to your room during your stay at ABC Medical Center.

Unscheduled care / Emergencies

At admission
  • You must identify yourself as the insured person by showing your insurance card or policy, and a valid official ID.
  • You will have to provide a payment guarantee to cover both personal expenses and others that may not be covered by your insurance.
  • Ask the Admission staff for your Insurance Company’s forms to start the process of your insurance coverage (Medical report and request for direct payment or notice of accident or illness).
  • Notify your Insurance Company of your admission to ABC Medical Center. You can do it through APP, by phone, or through your insurance agent. Check your policy, there you will find your Insurance Company’s contact information.
  • Be sure to give your treating physician your Insurance Company’s Medical Report form and ask them to fill it out. Submit the forms duly completed to the ABC Liaison Executives as soon as possible. Remember that these forms are essential to start the decision process with your Insurance Company, which will determine your insurance coverage and payment conditions (direct payment or reimbursement).


During your hospital stay

Follow your Insurance Company’s instructions and keep in touch with it to:

  • Know the status of your coverage.
  • Solve doubts regarding your policy (deductible, coinsurance, expenses not covered, exclusions, etc.).

Also, keep in close communication with your Treating Physician to know the details of your treatment, when it requires:

  • Medications and/or specialized equipment; it is very important that you promptly clarify with your Insurance Company any questions about your treatment in the context of your insurance coverage.
  • Other doctors’ intervention (consulting physicians), ask your Treating Physician for the names of the colleagues who will intervene in your treatment or your family member’s treatment.

It is very important that you request medical reports from each of the doctors who intervene in your care or your family member’s care, and that you ask them how their fees are handled.


When your doctor discharges you
  • Notify your Insurance Company that you have been discharged, this will help speed up the process. You must consider that the Hospital Discharge will be formalized when your Treating Physician indicates it in your Medical Record.
  • An ABC Medical Center Account Executive will prepare your final bill and send it to your Insurance Company for review.
  • During this process you can wait in your room until an ABC Account Executive contacts you to notify you that you can go to the ABC Cashier to review your account.
  • At the Cashier, you will be informed of the expenses covered and not covered by your Insurance Company, as well as the corresponding deductible and coinsurance.


Note: Medical discharge is formalized when your treating physician so indicates in your medical record. This will start the administrative discharge, where the last charges and preparation of your account are made.

Scheduled surgery

At admission
  • You must identify yourself as the insured person by showing your insurance card, policy, and a valid official ID
  • Deliver your authorization letter issued by your Insurance Company.
  • Notify your Insurance Company of your admission to ABC Medical Center. You can do it through APP, by phone, or through your insurance agent. Check your policy to find your Insurance Company’s contact information.


During your hospital stay
  • We will ask your Insurance Company to confirm your authorization letter and we will keep you updated.
  • Be in touch with your Insurance Company to check the status of your case.
  • Keep close communication with your Treating Physician; immediately notify your Insurance Company if other doctors’ intervention (consulting physicians) is required and request their reports.
  • Talk to the consulting physicians about your health or that of your family member and ask them about their medical fees.


When your Treating Physician discharges you
    Notify your Insurance Company that you have been discharged, this will help speed up the process. You must consider that the Hospital Discharge will be formalized when your Treating Physician indicates it in your Medical Record.

  • An ABC Medical Center Account Executive will prepare your final bill and send it to your Insurance Company for review.
  • During this process you can wait in your room until an ABC Account Executive contacts you to notify you that you can go to the ABC Cashier to review your account.
  • At the Cashier, you will be informed of the expenses covered and not covered by your Insurance Company, as well as the corresponding deductible and coinsurance.

Parking key

The parking service is independent of ABC Medical Center. If the patient is hospitalized in Intensive Care, Neonatal Intensive Care, Intermediate Care, Intermediate Cardiovascular Care, and Intensive Cardiovascular Care, family members have a parking key benefit for vehicle access until discharge.

To request it, please contact the Customer Service Department or directly at the offices located on the ground floor of the Central Tower on both campuses.

Campus Observatorio: 55 5230 8000 ext. 8080
Campus Santa Fe: 55 1103 1600 ext. 1680


If you have any questions, contact us at the following telephone numbers:

Campus Observatorio:
55 5230 8000
Campus Santa Fe:
55 1103 1600
Central Tower37411680
Neurology and Orthopedics1036
Ambulatory Surgery3741 / 3743
Jordan Black Tower8935 / 8936 / 8937
Campus Observatorio:
55 5230 8000
Campus Santa Fe:
55 1103 1600
Central Tower37411851/
Neurology and Orthopedics1036
Ambulatory Surgery3741/
Jordan Black Tower8935/

If you can’t find the phone number you need, visit our area directory

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