There are various techniques to make a proper diagnosis, among which are mainly the electrocardiogram (EKG), to measure the electrical activity of the heart, and the Holter monitor, which allows checking both the heart rate and rhythm for 24 hours or even for two years, in case of being implanted.
Contrast and laboratory studies may also be performed to analyze heart function.
Treatment options:
A high percentage of the arrhythmias detected can be controlled only with medications that allow the heart’s rhythm to be stabilized, although, in other cases, the implantation of devices such as a defibrillator or a pacemaker may be required, which help keep the heart beating at a regular rhythm.
However, in certain types of arrhythmias, surgery may even be necessary to eliminate the damage caused by the condition.
At the Cardiovascular Center we offer you a wide range of prevention, diagnosis, timely treatment, and follow-up services to take care of you through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary care model. Come to us, we want to hear your heart.