ABC Medical Center > Ebstein anomaly

What is Ebstein anomaly?

21:53 - 4 May , 2021


This congenital heart disease consists of the displacement of the tricuspid valve and a malformation of its flaps, which causes a minor or major dysfunction, depending on the case, causing blood leaks that reduce cardiac function increasing the size of the heart and eventually failure. 

Its origin is unknown, but its degree of involvement is variable. In some cases, the valve is slightly deviated and the malformation is minor, causing mild symptoms, but in others, there is a severe malformation that causes large blood leaks. 

This condition can lead to other serious heart conditions, such as arrhythmias, holes in the heart tissue, and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

Potential risks:

There are no certainties about the risk factors for developing this anomaly, but family history, environment, and the intake of drugs during pregnancy are considered possible. On this last point, it has been established that lithium can increase the chances of this deformation in the fetus.

This condition usually leads to the following complications:

  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack.
  • Heart failure.

Signs and symptoms Ebstein anomaly

There may be no symptoms in case of a minor malformation, but when it is major the following usually appear:

  • Tiredness and fatigue.
  • Difficulty breathing. 
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Lack of oxygen that gives a bluish hue to the skin and lips. 

Diagnosis and treatment Ebstein anomaly

By physically examining you, your doctor will determine if there are strange beats and sounds in your heart, ordering the following tests to identify the condition: 

  • X-rays.
  • MRI.
  • Oximetry.
  • Stress test.
  • Electrophysiology.
  • Echocardiogram.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Holter monitor. 

The treatment seeks to control symptoms and prevent possible serious problems caused by the condition. Your doctor will need to monitor your heart regularly, prescribe drugs, or recommend surgery if conservative treatments don’t work. 

Our Pediatric Heart Center is the only private center in Mexico to treat heart conditions with an exclusive unit for pediatric surgeries.

We have a group of highly trained specialists made up of pediatric cardiologists, echocardiographers, interventional cardiologists, electrophysiologists, pediatric cardiovascular surgeons, pediatric cardiovascular anesthesiologists, pediatric specialists in cardiovascular intensive care, nurses, medical assistants, perfusionists, psychologists, and social workers.


  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Interventional cardiology
  • Pediatric echocardiography
  • Fetal echocardiography
  • Pediatric electrophysiology
  • Fetal electrophysiology
  • Cardiovascular intensive care unit
  • Pediatric cardiology clinic
  • Univentricular Heart Program


  • Acosta CO, Marten PI, Gross OVY, et al. Consideraciones útiles para el asesoramiento genético de pacientes con anomalía de Ebstein. MediSan. 2020;24(01):145-152.
  • Fritche-Salazar JF, Herrera-Bello H, Kuri AJ, et al. Hallazgos ecocardiográficos asociados con mortalidad en pacientes adultos con anomalía de Ebstein. CIU Cardiac Image Updated . 2019;1(2):43-47.
  • Chibas LY, Marsillí RA, Sánchez RE. Anomalía de Ebstein en diagnóstico prenatal. RIC. 2018;97(5):1010-1019.
  • Jordán-Ríos A, Magaña-Bailón E, Martínez-Aguilar M, et al. Anomalía de Ebstein. Rev Mex Cardiol. 2014;25(2):82-85.

How can we help you?

    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.