ABC Medical Center > Parotid tumors

What is Parotid tumors?

16:07 - 6 February , 2024


It is a generally benign oncological pathology that affects the salivary glands, in this case, the parotid glands, which are located on the cheeks, in front of the ears, one on each side; surrounding the facial nerve which is responsible for moving the muscles of the face.

Parotid tumors are rare and usually manifest mainly due to the following:

  • Stones in the salivary ducts.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Abdominal surgery.
  • Dehydration.
  • General and salivary gland infections.
  • Other types of cancer.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Sjogren’s syndrome.

Signs and symptoms Parotid tumors

  • Swollen face.
  • Swallowing difficulties.
  • Pain or discomfort.
  • Swollen jaw.
  • Facial nerve paralysis.

The main risk of parotid tumors is that they become cancerous and spread to other organs. The second complication is that the facial nerve is damaged during surgery to remove the tumors.

Diagnosis and treatment Parotid tumors

The doctor will analyze your symptoms and medical history, perform a physical examination, and request various tests, including:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Tissue biopsy.
  • X-ray of the salivary glands.
  • MRI.
  • Computed tomography.

The treatment will be established based on the size of the tumors, severity, and your general health, but usually includes surgery to remove the tumor, either by removing part or all of the parotid gland.

If the tumor is cancerous, you will need:

  • Chemotherapy.
  • Radiation therapy.

As surgery to remove parotid tumors is complex, the presence of a multidisciplinary medical group will help achieve better results.

Since its inauguration in 2009, our Cancer Center has offered chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments at the level of the best medical centers in the world through a comprehensive care model for cancer patients.


  • Sánchez RPE, Pérez GP, Sánchez LPE, et al. Parotidectomía. Experiencia de 1992-2013. RIC. 2018;97(1):86-94.
  • Rubio PMM, Hernández MY, Sánchez CLM, et al. Estudio biópsico de tumores en glándulas salivares. Rev Cub de Reu. 2015;17(3):187-192.

How can we help you?

    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.