ABC Medical Center > Gestational loss

What is Gestational loss?

16:03 - 13 May , 2021


It refers to the death of the fetus during pregnancy, either due to an abortion (spontaneous or induced) or due to fetal death when it is after the first 20 or 21 weeks.

Potential causes and risks:

Several causes can trigger pregnancy loss. Among the most important risk factors are structural abnormalities, underlying diseases, some infections, having a history of miscarriages or induced abortions, being over 36 years old, smoking, or consuming alcohol during pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms Gestational loss

In the case of a pregnancy loss due to spontaneous abortion during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy, the most characteristic sign is abundant vaginal bleeding that can be accompanied by pain in the abdominal and pelvic area.

Diagnosis and treatment Gestational loss

It is essential that throughout your pregnancy you maintain close communication with your doctor since they must monitor the pregnancy process to prevent or attend to any difficulties. In the event of a gestational loss, you will receive immediate care, along with the corresponding guidance and emotional support.

At ABC Medical Center we have a team of experts in the various branches of gynecology ready to serve you with world-class quality and safety standards, as well as the humane treatment and warmth that characterizes us. Come to us and you will receive the best care available in Mexico and Latin America.

We are pioneers in gynecologic laparoscopy, which allows us to offer you the best treatment options, with shorter hospitalization times, as well as faster and less painful recovery, taking care of the aesthetic aspect with smaller scars than open surgeries. We offer you robot-assisted gynecologic surgeries, being an even less invasive and more precise procedure that provides benefits such as:

20% of the total robot surgeries of ABC Medical Center correspond to this specialty, which places us as a cutting-edge institution with vast experience and leadership in the field for the benefit of our patients.


  • Eschenbach David. Tratamiento del aborto séptico espontaneo e inducido, ACOG 2015;(125):1042- 8.
  • González SMC. Pérdida gestacional.Revista Médica de Costa Rica y Centroamérica. 2016;73(619):309-315.
  • Haya M Alfozan, Togas Tulandi, Definition and etiology of recurrent pregnancy loss, “Up To Date”, Kristen Eckler en https://www.uptodate. com/contents/definition-andetiology-of-recurrent-pregnancyloss? source=search_result&search=recurrent+pregnancy+loss&selected Title=3%7E65

How can we help you?

    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.