It is an exploratory procedure used to evaluate the interior of the thoracic cavity. To do this, a small incision is made in the shoulder blade and a tube called a thoracoscope is inserted, which includes a camera that allows visualizing the state of the interior of the thorax.Often times, a thoracoscopy is performed when there is suspicion of diseases such as:
- Infections and fluid in the lungs.
- Tumors.
- Lung cancer.
- Other lung problems.
Before the procedure:
- Talk to your doctor about your expectations of the procedure.
- Fast as suggested by your ABC doctor.
- Keep an open communication with your doctor and tell him or her if you must pause any treatment, especially if you are using antiplatelets and/or anticoagulants.
After the procedure:
Depending on the complexity of the case, this procedure may require local anesthesia and be outpatient, or it may use general anesthesia and require hospitalization for a couple of days.
The incision area may be painful for a few days, and the use of anesthesia may cause discomfort and some minor side effects.
Potential risks:
- Pleural bleeding.
- Infections such as pneumonia.
- Pneumothorax.
- Require other surgeries.
In our High Specialty Surgery Center, we perform more than 7,000 cutting-edge surgical procedures each year with state-of-the-art technology.
Our mission is to provide you with general and highly specialized medical-surgical services with the highest standards of quality and safety comparable with international centers of excellence through a multidisciplinary team that uses evidence-based clinical protocols that guarantee the best assistance and care of your health.
ABC Medical Center has always been known for practicing cutting-edge medicine. Our commitment to innovate keeps us as leaders in the practice of this discipline.
Your next surgery in expert and certified hands.
Related centers and departments
- High Specialty Surgery Center
- Radiology and Molecular Imaging
- Clinical Laboratory
- Fernández GA, López AY, Ojeda OMJ, et al. Hematoma intrapulmonar roto, hemotórax retenido y toracoscopia. A propósito de un caso. Rev Mex Cir Endoscop. 2012;13(4):203-204.
- Gutiérrez& Camacho E, Cancino &;Marentes ME, Rodríguez&;Cruz C, et al. Utility of lung transthoracic biopsy with tru-cut and Chiba needle on the same patient, guided by CT for periferial lung tumor diagnosis. Neumol Cir Torax. 2019;78(2):116-121. doi:10.35366/NT192A.
- Manhire A, Charig M, Clelland C, et al.; BTS. Guidelines for radiologically guided lung biopsy. Thorax 2003;58(11):920-936.
- Topal U, Eliz B. Transthoracic needle biopsy: factors, effecting risk of pneumothorax. Eur J Radiol 2003;48(3):263-267.