Blood donation is one of the noblest actions that a human being can perform for others.
It is possible to improve and even save lives through this vital liquid. However, the lack of information has created various myths that are very distant from reality.
Here are some myths about donating blood:
Myth: You only have to donate blood in case of disasters or wars.
Fact: blood is needed every day to care for injured people, sick people, among others. Altruistic blood is safer than blood donated by replacement or emergency.
Myth: Diabetics or those with heart disease cannot donate.
Fact: they can, as long as their levels are controlled and they are not taking medication or insulin.
Myth: people with tattoos or piercings can’t donate.
Fact: yes they can after a year.
Myth: to donate blood you have to fast.
Fact: it is only recommended not to have eaten in the last two hours before donation.
Myth: it’s painful.
Fact: pain threshold varies from person to person. The material with which the extraction is performed is made to cause as little damage as possible.
Myth: donating blood makes you fat or lose weight.
Fact: false. Between 400 and 450 ml are taken when donating, an amount that does not cause any type of change.
Myth: donating makes you weak.
Fact: false. You can feel tired, but it is only necessary to rest and avoid activities that require a lot of strength. After 24 hours, the body recovers the volume of fluid lost.
Myth: you cannot donate after surgery.
Fact: You certainly can’t donate immediately after, you have to wait six months to do so.
Myth: those who have had hepatitis cannot donate.
Fact: those who had hepatitis A before the age of 10 can do it, but those who had B or C definitely can’t.
Myth: blood is transfused directly from patient to patient.
Fact: false. It is analyzed, broken down into elements, and its quality is ensured. Then, it is used as necessary: anemia, leukemia, hemophilia, hemorrhages, among others.
For more information, contact us at the Blood Bank.
Observatorio: 5230-8000 ext. 8920, 8921 y 8922
Santa Fe: 1103-1600 ext. 1830, 1621 y 1432
If you want to be a voluntary donor, review our process and requirements for donating blood. We are waiting for you!