ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine

Digital magazine

Magnet Recognition Program® – site visit

Oct 4 2023

Spine surgery is a safe option

May 29 2023

CARTO Cardiac Ablation: The Solution for Complex Arrhythmias

May 8 2023

The importance of having a correct vegan diet

May 3 2023

How to assess the fetal heart?

May 3 2023

The benefits of a bone marrow transplant

May 3 2023

Orthopedics and Traumatology Center

May 3 2023

The importance of mental health and how to take care of ourselves

May 3 2023

Neurology: what does it study and treat?

May 3 2023

Get a healthy brain with exercise

May 3 2023

Difference between influenza or flu from a cold

May 2 2023

What is a check-up?

May 2 2023

What is the vaccination schedule for children?

May 2 2023

How to identify anxiety?

May 2 2023

Reduce the intensity of stress with small changes

May 2 2023

Identify the symptoms of the respiratory syncytial virus

May 2 2023

Blood plasma test

May 2 2023

ABC Medical Specialties Center

May 2 2023

Everything you need to know about epilepsy

Mar 16 2023

What is considered a high-risk pregnancy?

Mar 16 2023

How are bone tumors detected?

Mar 15 2023

What you should know about cataract surgery

Mar 14 2023

What are vascular diseases?

Mar 13 2023

Different causes of low back pain

Mar 13 2023

Does migraine have a cure?

Mar 13 2023

Know the heart attack symptoms

Mar 10 2023

What are hospitals specialized in cancer?

Mar 10 2023

What is ischemic heart disease?

Mar 10 2023

Identify coronary heart disease

Mar 10 2023

Care and Types of Orthodontics

Mar 10 2023

What does a pediatrician do?

Mar 10 2023

Sleep medicine will help you sleep and also rest

Mar 10 2023

What does an Obstetrician do?

Mar 10 2023

Menstruation symptoms

Mar 10 2023

After how many days can I know if I am pregnant?

Mar 10 2023

What does an internist do?

Mar 10 2023

What is the vaccination card used for?

Mar 10 2023

Pediatric ages

Mar 10 2023

Pneumonia diagnosis in children

Mar 10 2023

ABC Medical Center’s Organizational Chart

Feb 24 2023

Renewed agreement to strengthen clinical quality and patient safety between the Houston Methodist Hospital in the United States and ABC Medical Center in Mexico

Feb 16 2023

Treatments for sciatica pain

Feb 13 2023

How to talk about cancer with a child?

Feb 8 2023

Don’t let medicines damage your kidneys!

Feb 7 2023

Oncology: what is it and what branches does it study

Jan 25 2023

Orthopedics: what is it and what areas does it specialize in

Jan 25 2023

Redefining rehabilitation with NASA technology

Jan 23 2023

Recover control before an anxiety attack

Jan 20 2023

Kidney Transplant Facts

Jan 20 2023

A correct posture will prevent back pain in children

Jan 10 2023

Postures to avoid when sitting at work

Jan 10 2023

What is men’s health and why is it important to take care of it?

Jan 10 2023

What are vaccines for?

Jan 10 2023

What is a pacemaker used for?

Dec 20 2022

What is a silent heart attack?

Dec 20 2022

What is pediatrics?

Dec 20 2022

There are different common diseases that children will suffer in their life

Dec 20 2022

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each with its own characteristics

Dec 20 2022

Contraceptive methods

Dec 20 2022

Physical therapists, great allies for your body

Dec 20 2022


Dec 20 2022

The importance of vaccines

Dec 20 2022

Identify the vaccines accepted for travel

Dec 20 2022

Take care of your health at the women’s medical center

Dec 20 2022

What is a gynecologic check-up?

Dec 20 2022

Diseases of the female reproductive system

Dec 20 2022

Glucose test

Dec 20 2022

How do low testosterone levels affect you?

Dec 19 2022

Debunk the myths about depression and mental health

Dec 15 2022

Menopause: become an empathetic family

Dec 14 2022

Identify postpartum depression symptoms

Dec 13 2022

Know the main causes of neuropathies development

Dec 12 2022

How to prevent a heart attack?

Dec 9 2022

Breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of cancer in women

Dec 9 2022

Know the different causes for the appearance of back pain

Dec 8 2022

Identify kidney cancer risk factors

Dec 7 2022

Find out how cancer can affect breastfeeding

Dec 6 2022

A good diet will help you during menopause

Dec 5 2022

Create the right dishes for your child’s nutrition

Dec 4 2022

Know the risks of using vapes and electronic cigarettes

Dec 3 2022

Identify when you are about to start your menopause

Dec 2 2022

What should I know if I tested positive for HIV?

Dec 1 2022

Prevent prostate cancer with this lab test

Nov 21 2022

ABC Medical Center and environmental care

Nov 16 2022

Tachyarrhythmias and electroanatomical mapping

Nov 15 2022

ABC Medical Center was officially selected to provide medical services for the NFL game in Mexico

Nov 14 2022

Prevent spine injuries at home

Nov 14 2022

Postpartum depression in breastfeeding

Nov 13 2022

10 tips to fall asleep

Nov 9 2022

The differences between the types of stroke

Nov 9 2022

How to identify a neuropathy

Nov 9 2022

Fight menopause with small changes in your life

Nov 9 2022

Make the weaning process easy

Nov 9 2022

ABC Medical Center has a goal of net zero emissions by 2050

Nov 1 2022

Aphasia: a common language problem

Nov 1 2022

Types of hip dislocation

Nov 1 2022

Is catheterization dangerous? Know the answer

Oct 28 2022

Prevent the appearance of diabetic foot

Oct 26 2022

Duties of a pathologist

Oct 26 2022

Learn about the different types of endoscopy

Oct 25 2022

How should I prepare for an endoscopy?

Oct 24 2022

What is cardiac echo-doppler?

Oct 20 2022

Glycohemoglobin test helps detect diabetes

Oct 20 2022

Pediatric cardiology helps with heart problems in children

Oct 19 2022

Everything you need to know about an electrophysiology study

Oct 18 2022

The difference between a cardiovascular and a vascular surgeon

Oct 17 2022

How does a coronary stent work?

Oct 14 2022

Nutrition and diabetes, achieve a healthy life

Oct 13 2022

Intrabeam: breast cancer treatment

Oct 12 2022

Learn more about breastfeeding

Oct 6 2022

How to detect colon cancer?

Oct 4 2022

Snoring is NOT synonymous with a good sleep

Oct 1 2022

Promptly identify bone metastasis

Sep 20 2022

Keep your spine healthy and pain-free

Sep 19 2022

Lack of sleep can affect your body and mind

Sep 16 2022

Manage the changes arising from menopause

Sep 15 2022

Why should you perform routine tests during menopause?

Sep 14 2022

Doubts about breast surgery and breastfeeding

Sep 13 2022

Everything you need to know about hip replacement

Sep 12 2022

Differences between acute and chronic kidney failure

Sep 9 2022

ABC Medical Center innovates in the surgical process with the new da Vinci Xi robot

Sep 8 2022

Sunscreen an ally on vacation

Sep 7 2022

Benefits of hormone replacement therapy in menopause

Sep 6 2022

New procedure for the implantation of intracranial electrodes for epilepsy diagnosis and specialized treatment

Sep 5 2022

Diet and cancer risk

Sep 5 2022

Mesenteric venous thrombosis

Sep 5 2022

Venous stasis ulcers

Sep 5 2022

Chronic venous insufficiency

Sep 5 2022

Varicose veins

Sep 5 2022

Venous Diseases

Sep 2 2022

Epilepsy specialist center

Aug 26 2022

Obstructive venous diseases

Aug 24 2022

Deep vein thrombosis

Aug 24 2022

Pulmonary thromboembolism

Aug 24 2022

The importance of a diabetes specialist

Aug 23 2022

Particular characteristics of diabetes in children

Aug 23 2022

How to know if you suffer from celiac disease?

Aug 23 2022

What are cardiovascular diseases?

Aug 23 2022

Learn more about surgical pathology and its applications

Aug 23 2022

The blood test, one of the most complete clinical tests

Aug 23 2022

The cardiologist and your heart

Aug 23 2022

Factors to diagnose an acute myocardial infarction

Aug 23 2022

Benefits of extended breastfeeding

Aug 23 2022

Computed Tomography: An Essential Tool for Diagnosis

Aug 23 2022

Three common sleep disorders

Aug 23 2022

The beginning of a freer life with menopause

Aug 23 2022

Avoid self-medication for insomnia

Aug 23 2022

Achieve a more comfortable and safe breastfeeding

Aug 22 2022

Shorter recovery time and precision in prostatectomy supported by the da Vinci robot

Aug 22 2022

The da Vinci robot and its benefits in fundoplication

Aug 22 2022

da Vinci robot-assisted nephrectomy for minimal invasiveness

Aug 22 2022

The da Vinci robot facilitates the treatment of inguinal hernias

Aug 22 2022

Detect gestational diabetes early

Aug 22 2022

What is Internal Medicine?

Aug 22 2022

Stem cell transplant, an option against cancer

Aug 22 2022

Everything you need to know about the bone scan

Aug 22 2022

What are the causes of Parkinson’s disease?

Aug 22 2022

Watch out for stroke symptoms. Know its types

Aug 22 2022

Joint injuries Know what they are and how to prevent them

Aug 22 2022

Reasons and benefits of seeing an orthopedist

Aug 22 2022

Identify the symptoms of childhood cancer

Aug 22 2022

Signs and symptoms to detect childhood cancer

Aug 9 2022

Exercise as an ally in cardiovascular health

Aug 9 2022

Logra recuperar el olfato posCOVID-19

Aug 9 2022

Peripheral arterial disease

Aug 9 2022

Renovascular disease

Aug 8 2022

Don’t let diabetes prevent you from leading a normal life

Aug 6 2022

What you should know about emotional support in a stroke

Aug 5 2022

Thoracic aortic aneurysm

Aug 5 2022

Mesenteric arterial ischemia

Aug 4 2022

Aortic dissection

Aug 3 2022

Visceral artery aneurysms

Aug 2 2022

Peripheral artery aneurysms

Aug 1 2022

Common spine disorders

Jul 26 2022

Common spine surgeries

Jul 18 2022

State-of-the-art tools supporting spinal surgery

Jul 15 2022

Benefits of CT with artificial intelligence

Jul 14 2022

What to do if your baby has a cleft lip and palate?

Jul 11 2022

Can you feel that you sleep well but without feeling rested?

Jul 7 2022

Frequent questions about breastfeeding

Jul 6 2022

Myths about cancer

Jun 27 2022

Exercise and diet for cancer patients

Jun 20 2022

Take care of your pregnancy if you were diagnosed with gestational diabetes

Jun 17 2022

Is prostate cancer curable?

Jun 13 2022

Childhood brain cancer: symptoms and signs

Jun 12 2022

What is the best exercise for people living with diabetes?

Jun 11 2022

Diet recommendations at home for stroke patients

Jun 9 2022

Is cancer hereditary?

Jun 8 2022

Oropharyngeal dysphagia a possible COVID-19 aftereffect

Jun 3 2022

Sleep myths and realities

Jun 2 2022

Learn about the SAT requirements and update your invoices with version 4.0 of the CFDI

Jun 1 2022

Skin cancer, how is it detected and what causes it?

May 30 2022

How does lack of sleep affect your children?

May 28 2022

Exercise as rehabilitation support after a heart attack

May 24 2022

How can you identify sleep disorders?

May 23 2022

Early detection of a brain tumor

May 22 2022

Childhood cancer treatment options

May 21 2022

Benefits of physical exercise in cancer patients

May 19 2022

Post-COVID-19 cognitive sequelae

May 17 2022

Childhood cancer, factors to consider

May 15 2022

Options and alternatives for cancer prevention

May 11 2022

COVID-19: neurological consequences after infection

May 10 2022

Factors to consider for weight loss through diet

May 9 2022

Childhood obesity: everyone’s problem

May 8 2022

Surgery as an alternative to improve the lives of patients with Parkinson’s

May 7 2022

The importance of a doula in pregnancy and childbirth

May 6 2022

Coronary calcium scoring could save your life

May 5 2022

Ways to reduce bad cholesterol on a daily basis

May 4 2022

Exercise and pregnancy. Is it possible? We will tell you!

May 1 2022

Childhood obesity. How to prevent our children?

Apr 25 2022

Why is it important to have an assessment appointment with a certified plastic surgeon?

Apr 18 2022

New technology designed for radiotherapy treatments simulation

Apr 12 2022

10th International Congress on Quality and Patient Safety

Apr 7 2022

ROSA: robotic technology in knee replacement

Apr 6 2022

Cowdray Award

Mar 31 2022

Pregnancy. What should I consider in my delivery package?

Mar 25 2022

Obesity: the importance of promoting good health

Mar 21 2022

Identify the signs and symptoms of acute kidney failure

Mar 18 2022

Sleep is the best recommendation to start taking care of your health

Mar 14 2022

Carotid artery disease

Mar 11 2022


Mar 7 2022

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Mar 4 2022

Aortoiliac Obstructive Arterial Disease

Feb 28 2022

Make exercise a habit, not a torture

Feb 24 2022

Exercise and cardiovascular health

Feb 10 2022

Prevention and progression of neurodegenerative diseases through physical activity

Feb 9 2022

Benefits of good and bad fats in your body

Feb 5 2022

Winter depression: How to detect it?

Feb 4 2022

United improving community well-being

Feb 2 2022

Childhood cancer: help your children understand their condition

Jan 28 2022

Senile dementia: geriatric patient care

Jan 25 2022

Omicron: signs and symptoms

Jan 22 2022

Men’s health: the importance of getting a checkup

Jan 15 2022

International Childhood Cancer Day in Mexico: When is it?

Jan 10 2022

Before going to ABC Medical Center

Jan 7 2022

Influenza Season During a Pandemic

Nov 15 2021

Diabetes in children: causes and treatments

Nov 12 2021

Gestational diabetes, is it common?

Nov 8 2021

Diabetes and its complications: how to lead a healthy life

Nov 1 2021

Breast diseases and breast cancer

Oct 29 2021

Mental health

Oct 22 2021

Stroke or cerebral infarction

Oct 15 2021

New High-Precision Imager at the Observatorio Campus

Oct 10 2021

Breast cancer

Oct 8 2021

ABC Medical Center, the best hospital in Mexico

Oct 8 2021

Proper nutrition for successful breastfeeding

Sep 24 2021

Turner syndrome

Sep 17 2021

COVID-19: Delta variant and vaccination

Sep 10 2021

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and the hope to procreate

Sep 3 2021

Food allergies

Jul 30 2021

The 6 types of hepatitis

Jul 23 2021

Social work within ABC Medical Center

Jul 16 2021

Sarcoma: the forgotten cancer

Jul 9 2021

What is and what should you do in the event of a myocardial infarction?

Jun 30 2021

Let’s promote altruistic blood donation!

Jun 30 2021

How does ABC Medical Center take care of the environment?

Jun 30 2021

Men’s health: the importance of going to the urologist

Jun 30 2021


May 28 2021

What changes does a woman’s body undergo during pregnancy?

May 28 2021

Why choose a humanized childbirth?

May 28 2021

Digestive health

May 28 2021

Quality of life in cancer patients

Feb 24 2021

What to expect after a bone marrow transplant

Feb 24 2021

Childhood cancer and how to encourage them to take their treatment

Feb 24 2021

All about COVID-19 aftereffects

Feb 24 2021

What are the basic medical tests for a general Check-Up?

Jan 23 2021

Start the year with these healthy habits

Jan 23 2021

The importance of nutrition in the family environment

Jan 23 2021

Everything you need to know about depression

Jan 23 2021

Seasonal allergies: winter

Jan 9 2021

How to include people with disabilities in society?

Jan 9 2021

Vacation on holidays? Health and prevention never rest.

Jan 9 2021

I have HIV, what will my life be like now?

Jan 9 2021

Common Men’s Health Threats and How to Prevent Them

Nov 23 2020

I was diagnosed with diabetes, what are the next steps and what should I expect?

Nov 23 2020

5 tips to boost your mental health

Nov 23 2020

Pneumonia season, how to avoid it?

Nov 23 2020

What to do before a STROKE?

Oct 27 2020

How to extend my bones’ health?

Oct 27 2020

5 things you should know about menopause

Oct 27 2020

Prevent breast cancer in 3 easy steps

Oct 27 2020

Helpful tips for new moms

Sep 10 2020

Advantages of Robot Surgery

Sep 10 2020

When is bariatric surgery necessary?

Sep 10 2020


Sep 10 2020

Correct use of face masks

Jul 30 2020

What you should pack for your delivery

Jul 15 2020

Diet and weight during pregnancy

Jul 15 2020

The importance of prenatal control

Jul 15 2020

What is hepatitis?

Jul 15 2020

Most common neurological disorders

Jul 15 2020

Why is blood donation important?

Jul 14 2020

What are liver diseases?

Jul 14 2020

Prostate cancer

Jul 14 2020

How does the immune system work?

Jul 14 2020

COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Research Protocol

Jul 2 2020

What is multiple sclerosis?

May 25 2020

What is hypertension?

May 25 2020


May 25 2020

Food at ABC Medical Center

May 11 2020

Epidemiology and infection

May 11 2020

Hygiene and cleanliness

May 11 2020

Hand washing

May 11 2020


May 11 2020

Does coronavirus keep you awake at night?

May 8 2020

Exercises at home for children, adults, and seniors

May 6 2020

Precautionary measures when leaving and entering the house

May 5 2020

What is asthma?

May 5 2020

How should I clean my house?

May 5 2020

Restructuring of the Observatorio Campus for COVID-19

Apr 24 2020

Food and sedentary lifestyle

Apr 10 2020

Recommendations to maintain a healthy weight during this contingency

Apr 9 2020

Tips psychology for quarantine

Apr 6 2020

Physical activity tips for quarantine

Apr 6 2020

10 diet tips for this quarantine

Apr 6 2020

What to do if my child has COVID-19?

Apr 5 2020

How to protect your children’s emotions

Apr 5 2020

COVID-19 risk groups

Apr 5 2020

Cancer patient care

Apr 5 2020

Myths and realities

Apr 5 2020

Family visits

Apr 5 2020

Colon Cancer

Mar 31 2020

General COVID Guide

Mar 27 2020

Parent Guide

Mar 27 2020

Blood donation

Mar 27 2020

COVID protocol

Mar 27 2020

Home Office

Mar 27 2020

COVID-19 Nutrition

Mar 27 2020

Home school

Mar 27 2020


Mar 27 2020

Childhood epilepsy

Mar 26 2020

Older adults

Mar 26 2020

Pregnant and breastfeeding women

Mar 24 2020

How to take care of the patient at home?

Mar 12 2020

Chronic kidney disease

Mar 11 2020

WITHOUT WOMEN, we cannot perform Quality Medicine at ABC Medical Center

Feb 28 2020

Proposals for the health system’s current challenges

Feb 25 2020

Benefits of eating a healthy diet

Feb 24 2020

Know the importance of a Check-up

Feb 24 2020

International Congenital Heart Disease Day

Feb 24 2020


Feb 11 2020

World cancer day

Feb 4 2020

Why do joints hurt in cold season?

Dec 30 2019

Depression in children

Dec 30 2019

Myths and facts about HIV/AIDS

Dec 30 2019

How to fight the seasonal flu

Dec 30 2019

Why should I perform a Check-up?

Nov 19 2019

What is COPD and its risk factors?

Nov 19 2019

What is diabetes and how to prevent it?

Nov 19 2019

Breast Cancer. Prevention and warning signs.

Oct 31 2019

What is a STROKE?

Oct 28 2019

Knee ligament injury in athletes

Oct 4 2019

Lymphoma: symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Sep 13 2019

ABCare Clinic: first contact medicine

Sep 11 2019

4 prevention measures for yellow fever

Sep 6 2019

How to make a healthy lunch for your children?

Aug 23 2019

Back pain or low back pain: an extremely common condition

Jul 30 2019

How does the ketogenic diet work?

Jul 5 2019

Gastrointestinal diseases and how to avoid them.

Jul 5 2019

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Jun 20 2019

Are you jet-lagged?

Mar 21 2019

Blood donation myths and realities

Dec 26 2018

Congenital heart diseases

Dec 22 2018

Diabetes myths and facts

Nov 28 2018

How to avoid osteoporosis?

Nov 22 2018

4 facts you should know about COPD

Nov 7 2018


Oct 25 2018

What is obesity?

Oct 24 2018

What is mental health?

Oct 8 2018

Exercise and diet: keys to weight loss

Oct 1 2018

4 things you need to know about Alzheimer’s

Sep 18 2018

What are venous ulcers?

Sep 12 2018

What is preterm labor?

Sep 6 2018

Tendonitis due to excessive cell phone use

Aug 29 2018

What should I do in case of poisoning?

Aug 24 2018

Recommendations for traveling while pregnant

Aug 8 2018

Most common allergies

Jul 25 2018

Joint Replacements

Jul 20 2018

High heels: risks for my joints’ health

Jul 4 2018

Eye diseases

Jun 25 2018

Exanthemata diseases: what and which are they?

Jun 20 2018

How do high temperatures affect?

Jun 15 2018

What is dermatitis?

Jun 7 2018

Benefits of quitting smoking

May 30 2018

Nutrition and sleep

May 21 2018

What is anemia?

May 16 2018

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

May 11 2018

Irritable bowel syndrome

May 1 2018

ABC Pediatrics: cares for your baby

Apr 26 2018

3 common diseases in children in hot season

Apr 18 2018

What are movement disorders?

Apr 9 2018

Demystifying autism

Apr 4 2018

Breast health

Mar 30 2018

Benefits of natural childbirth

Mar 15 2018

Complications after a kidney transplant

Mar 9 2018

What is colorectal cancer?

Feb 20 2018

Childhood cancer is curable

Feb 15 2018

What is a hematopoietic cell transplant?

Feb 6 2018

5 reasons to include protein in breakfast

Jan 15 2018



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