ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > Exercise and diet: keys to weight loss

Exercise and diet: keys to weight loss

1 October 2018

claves perdida peso

Today you can find too much information about food with tools such as the internet, however, not all sources are reliable, much less the information they offer, which is why we give you the following recommendations when looking for information:

  • Make sure that the source you consult is on the official pages of associations or institutions dedicated to research and dissemination of information, for example, the page of the World Health Organization or the American Health Association, etc.
  • Avoid following published diets or eating plans, since each person’s needs are different depending on physical activity, age, schedules, preferences, etc.
  • Try to solve your doubts with a trusted specialist, since it may be outdated or incomplete information, you may even help your specialist to learn about the topic of your interest.
  • Whenever there are trendy foods or diets, look for complete information and don’t get carried away by the news they offer.
  • No food by itself will manage to keep your health balanced, that will be done by your diet throughout the day both in quality and quantity.
  • Remember that losing weight is not only about diet, but also exercise or physical activity and, like diet, requires a specialist who can guide you to achieve your goals.
  • In general, when a product or nutritional supplement is advertised, they will always mention its benefits, so remember that your main tool will be to see its label, as well as its content to find out the pros and cons of the product in question.

Keep in mind that to achieve your goals, it is best to do it with a specialist who will be able to attend to you personally and work according to your physical needs.

At ABC Medical Center’s Nutrition & Obesity Center, we can provide you with specialized care. Contact us!

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