Social Impact


Social Impact

Committed to improve the health of Mexico

Centro Médico ABC is a Private Assistance Institution (Institución de Asistencia Privada, IAP), governed by a Board of Trustees made up of distinguished altruistic members of the American, British, Mexican, and international community, which is why we are a non-profit organization.

Our commitment translates into childcare from a double perspective: preventive, oriented towards growth and development; and healing, related to highly specialized services. Both components are essential to ensure that the new generations of Mexicans fully develop and reach their maximum potential.

Strategic Focus

We operate with a tripartite participation model, providing access to high-quality healthcare for all patients. The revenue generated by the patient volume is reinvested into the centers and programs, thereby achieving a sustainable system.

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We provide access to the most vulnerable sectors in Mexico through three main pillars: research and education, community care, and specialized programs.

Research and teaching

We train doctors, nurses, and health professionals in alliance with UNAM, with the best care and research practices, to guarantee quality and safety in patient care.

Community care

We generate social impact, improving the health of the surrounding community, through first-level care clinics with preventive programs and access to highly specialized health services.

High specialty programs

We provide access to highly specialized health services in an inclusive and supportive way.

Research and teaching

Social Impact

Centro Médico ABC, the School of Medicine and the National School of Nursing and Obstetrics (Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia, ENEO) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) signed an agreement in order for both medical and nursing students to have collaborative and high-level training at the UNAM-ABC School of Medicine and Nursing, which is located in the Amparo Espinosa Rugarcía building, located on the Santa Fe Campus.

ABC provides the facilities and the teachers; UNAM the students and the academic program. Currently, students are in the third year of both degrees, which is when clinical practice begins, that is, they begin their study period in hospitals.

We promote community development through:

  • Teaching: Train health professionals with high ethical values.
  • Well-being: Excellent medical care with a preventive and inclusive approach.
  • Research: Support clinical research programs.
  • Medical equipment upgrade: Staying at the forefront of science and technology.

Community care

Social Impact

In collaboration with its medical staff and civil society public health and philanthropic institutions, Centro Médico ABC offers medical services in an inclusive and supportive manner, in a systematized care model that has proven to be effective and that can be replicated to reach more Mexicans.

Community clinics
We are committed to generating social impact, by improving the health of the surrounding community through first-level care clinics with preventive programs and access to highly specialized health services.

These clinics implement the following programs:

  • “First 1,000 + 1,000 Days” Program:
    This is a specialized program focused on the care of mothers and children, from pregnancy until the child is five years old, emphasizing “Prenatal Health” and “Early Childhood”.
  • Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases: :
    Patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and overweight are treated.
  • Healthcare Networks and Nearby Schools:
    Care for patients from six institutions with which the ABC Medical Center maintains a close relationship.

Social Impact

ABC AMISTAD Clinic in Campus Santa Fe

Social Impact

BRIMEX ABC Clinic in Campus Observatorio

High specialty programs

Programa de alta especialidad

Our goal is to provide comprehensive solutions with a high degree of complexity to the economically vulnerable population that otherwise would not have access to them.

ABC has several specialized centers that provide care to vulnerable populations:

  • Pediatric Cancer Center
    We treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia, solid tumors, bone marrow transplant (hematopoietic cells), with chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment.
  • ABC Pediatric Heart Center – Kardias
    Provides care for children with congenital heart defects.
    1. National Institute of Pediatrics (INP)
    2. Child Hospital DIF Hidalgo
    3. Alvaro Obregón
    4. CHAIN
    5. Child's Heart Foundation
    6. Oaxacan Children's Hospital
    7. Juárez Hospital of Mexico
    8. Secretary of Health of Guanajuato
    9. Secretary of Health of Tamaulipas
    10. DIF Huixquilucan
    11. Secretary of Health of Tlaxcala
    12. CDMX Health Secretariat
    13. Morelia Children's Hospital
    14. IMIEM
    15. Children's High Specialty Regional Hospital (Tabasco)
  • Epilepsy Clinic
    We have specialists who give patients with difficult-to-control epilepsy (when epileptic seizures do not stop with drug treatment) an opportunity through surgery that allows them to regain an independent and self-sufficient life.
  • Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders
    People with abnormal movements like Parkinson’s also find an autonomy solution thanks to neurological surgery.
  • Nutrition & Obesity Center
    We provide a solution to special cases of morbid obesity through bariatric surgery plus comprehensive monitoring of medicine, psychology, and nutrition.
  • Transplant Center
    The Nefro Transplant program supports patients who, as a consequence of chronic degenerative diseases, require a new kidney.
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology Center
    Joint replacement supports the recovery of mobility, independence, and pain reduction in our patients.
Programa de Labio y Paladar Hendido

Cleft Lip and Palate Program

Comprehensive care for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age nationwide.

Learn More

In our Cleft Lip and Palate Program, we have specialized care. Contact us! Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Santa Fe Campus: Gabriela Romero 55 1103-1600 ext. 1100
Observatory Campus: Griselda Mauro Quintero 55 5230-8000 ext. 8805

Medical Altruism

Altruism is the noblest activity that a doctor can carry out, giving his knowledge, skills and time without receiving remuneration in return.

At ABC Medical Center, this altruistic activity reflects the values of the medical staff and its attitude of service. Altruistic care began together with the ABC Foundation in our community clinics and in highly specialized programs.

Since 2018, the ABC Medical Center has implemented the delivery of recognition to doctors for their altruistic work.

Thanks to more than 200 volunteer doctors, we have achieved:




benefited per year


Specialties and

Volunteer Ladies

The Voluntary Ladies or Pink Ladies are a group of altruistic women committed to Centro Médico ABC to help patients and visitors. Get to know them!

Learn More