
Why choose the
Rehabilitation Center ?

The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation service of the ABC Medical Center is dedicated to the recovery, restoration of health and reintegration to the environment of patients with functional limitations or sequelae that condition disability through:

  • Warmth in service
    We always show a positive attitude with a friendly and courteous treatment so that they feel comfortable and welcome in our facilities.
  • Multidisciplinary team
    We have a highly qualified and reliable multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and therapists to achieve comprehensive patient care and promote their speedy recovery.
  • High-tech equipment and facilities
  • Personalized attention
    We want our patients and their families to feel a personal treatment, showing that we are professionals with solid principles that govern our actions and that we are highly trustworthy.
  • Patient health and well-being
    All of us who are part of this institution have the ability to act in an orderly and persevering manner to achieve the speedy recovery of our patients.

How can we help you?

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services

    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationPhysical therapy
    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationOccupational therapist
    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationSpeech and swallowing therapy
    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationCognitive therapy
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    Diagnoses that are attended in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationNeurological
    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationOrthopedic
    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationBurns
    Physical Medicine and RehabilitationOthers
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    Intensive Rehabilitation

    We offer a program under the supervision of a medical team specialized in intensive rehabilitation, where the patient is assessed, setting and modifying the course of treatment according to the needs.
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    Outpatient rehabilitation

    Outpatient rehabilitation is provided to patients who attend the hospital to receive their rehabilitation program and subsequently return home the same day.
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    Antigravity treadmill

    Antigravity treadmill

    ABC Medical Center’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation presents the new antigravity treadmill, a state-of-the-art equipment that uses NASA technology, which uses air to reduce the weight load on the joints. Improve your mobility without pain!

    Diseases and Medical Procedures

    Find conditions or procedures in our search engine

    Learn about the most common conditions and procedures attended and performed by our center

    Title Padecimiento o Prodecimiento

    13:00 - 2 Diciembre, 2021


    Vivamus tristique at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum. Aenean dapibus ipsum sed libero dapibus, quis tincidunt erat porta. Vivamus tristique at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum.

    Title Padecimiento o Prodecimiento 2

    13:00 - 3 Diciembre, 2021


    Tristique vivamus at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum. Aenean dapibus ipsum sed libero dapibus, quis tincidunt erat porta. Vivamus tristique at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum.


    ¿Por qué elegir Medicina de Rehabilitación?

    • Benefits of the Center for Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Departments and specialties
    • Frequent ailments and procedures
    • Glosary

    Our Locations

    At ABC Medical Center, we are prepared to serve you in out two Campuses 24/24h, 7 days a week.

    Campus Observatorio

    Sur 136 No. 116, Col. Las Américas,
    Álvaro Obregón, 01120, Cd. de México.

    Tel. 55 5230 8000

    Campus Santa Fe

    Av. Carlos Graef Fernández 154, Col. Santa Fe, Cuajimalpa, 05300, Cd. de México.

    Tel. 55 1103 1600