ABC Medical Center > COVID-19 > Precautionary measures when leaving and entering the house

Precautionary measures when leaving and entering the house

5 May 2020


You must always be very careful when entering and exiting your house and follow these recommendations:

For you to leave home safely:

  • When you leave the house, put on a long-sleeved jacket.
  • Put your hair up, do not wear earrings, bracelets, or rings, this way you will avoid touching your face.
  • If you have a mask, put it on last, just before you go out.
  • Try not to use public transport.
  • If you go with your pet, try not to rub against surfaces outside.
  • Bring disposable tissues, use them to cover your fingers when touching surfaces. Put the tissue in a closed bag and throw it in the trash can.
  • If you cough or sneeze, do it into your elbow, not your hands, much less into the air.
  • Try not to pay in cash, if you do, disinfect your hands.
  • Perform hand hygiene after touching any object and surface or carry antibacterial gel.
  • Don’t touch your face until your hands are clean.
  • Keep a safe distance from people.

For you to enter home safely:

  • When you get home, try not to touch anything.
  • Take off your shoes at the front door.
  • Wash your pet’s paws with soap and water if you were walking it.
  • Take off your clothes and put them in a laundry bag.
  • Leave your bag, wallet, and keys in a box at the entrance.
  • Take a shower, if you can’t, wash all exposed areas well.
  • Disinfect cell phone and glasses.
  • Clean the surfaces of whatever you brought from outside before putting it away.

At ABC Medical Center’s Department of Internal Medicine, we can provide you with specialized care. Contact us!


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