ABC Medical Center > Neurology


Spine surgery is a safe option

May 29 2023

Everything you need to know about epilepsy

Mar 16 2023

Different causes of low back pain

Mar 13 2023

Does migraine have a cure?

Mar 13 2023

Sleep medicine will help you sleep and also rest

Mar 10 2023

Treatments for sciatica pain

Feb 13 2023

Postures to avoid when sitting at work

Jan 10 2023

The differences between the types of stroke

Nov 9 2022

How to identify a neuropathy

Nov 9 2022

Aphasia: a common language problem

Nov 1 2022

Snoring is NOT synonymous with a good sleep

Oct 1 2022

Lack of sleep can affect your body and mind

Sep 16 2022

New procedure for the implantation of intracranial electrodes for epilepsy diagnosis and specialized treatment

Sep 5 2022

Epilepsy specialist center

Aug 26 2022

Three common sleep disorders

Aug 23 2022

Avoid self-medication for insomnia

Aug 23 2022

What are the causes of Parkinson’s disease?

Aug 22 2022

Watch out for stroke symptoms. Know its types

Aug 22 2022

What you should know about emotional support in a stroke

Aug 5 2022

Common spine disorders

Jul 26 2022

State-of-the-art tools supporting spinal surgery

Jul 15 2022

Can you feel that you sleep well but without feeling rested?

Jul 7 2022

How does lack of sleep affect your children?

May 28 2022

How can you identify sleep disorders?

May 23 2022

Early detection of a brain tumor

May 22 2022

Post-COVID-19 cognitive sequelae

May 17 2022

Surgery as an alternative to improve the lives of patients with Parkinson’s

May 7 2022

Sleep is the best recommendation to start taking care of your health

Mar 14 2022

Winter depression: How to detect it?

Feb 4 2022

Senile dementia: geriatric patient care

Jan 25 2022


May 28 2021

Everything you need to know about depression

Jan 23 2021

What to do before a STROKE?

Oct 27 2020

Most common neurological disorders

Jul 15 2020

What is multiple sclerosis?

May 25 2020


Feb 11 2020

What is a STROKE?

Oct 28 2019

4 things you need to know about Alzheimer’s

Sep 18 2018

What are movement disorders?

Apr 9 2018

Demystifying autism

Apr 4 2018



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