ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > What is a check-up?

What is a check-up?

2 May 2023

Many wonder what a check-up consists of. A check-up is a group of clinical tests and preventive medical inspections, focused on the detection of diseases or ailments.

Thanks to its results, a person’s health can be evaluated and, if possible, prevent the development of some diseases whose initial symptoms may go unnoticed.

Through these tests, patients can identify if they have health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, uric acid, diabetes, or cancer.

The type of tests that a check-up includes will depend on whether you are a man or a woman and your age.

What are the types of check-ups?

Although each laboratory may have its own check-up classification, these are usually divided into:

  • Pediatric check-up. Includes medical assessment, laboratory tests such as blood count, urine and stool ova and parasite examination, glucose, creatine, etc.
  • 18 years or older check-up. Bilirubin, total protein, creatinine, chest x-ray, and resting electrocardiogram are added.
  • 40 years or older check-up. Pelvic and upper abdominal ultrasound, blood in feces, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), pap smear in women, simple spirometry, and stress test will also be requested.
  • 65 years or older check-up. Prostate-specific antigen for men is included in addition to potassium, sodium, and calcium tests.
  • Climacteric check-up. Focused on women from 44 years old, generally includes a gynecologic profile and transvaginal ultrasound.

Despite the previous classifications, in general terms, this check-up includes:

  • Complete blood count. Evaluates blood information including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
  • Electrocardiogram. It records the electrical activity of the heart and its functioning.
  • Spirometry. Evaluation of the lungs and examination of their function.
  • Urine test. It measures its concentration, density, and chemical compounds.
  • Chest x-ray. X-ray that allows checking the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels, bones in the spine, and thorax.
  • Immunological tests. They detect the presence of HIV, Human Papilloma Virus, and Hepatitis B and C.
  • PSA. Prostate-specific antigen test for the detection of prostate cancer.
  • Blood chemistry. Although there are up to 30 items that can be tested, they commonly focus on uric acid, cholesterol, creatinine, glucose, triglycerides, and urea.

In the ABC Medical Center’s Preventive Medicine area, we will answer all your questions about what a check-up consists of. We can provide you with specialized attention. Contact us!


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    Ricardo Ostos

    Ricardo Ostos

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    Ricardo can convey complex medical information in an accessible and friendly way so that all of our patients can understand and benefit from it. In addition, he has an empathetic approach, offering information and practical advice that really makes a difference in people's lives. #lifebringsustogether.

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