ABC Medical Center > Cardiology > Identify coronary heart disease

Identify coronary heart disease

10 March 2023

Heart diseases are conditions that involve both the structure and the functioning of the heart. When talking about coronary heart disease, we are specifically talking about a narrowing in the blood vessels that supply both blood and oxygen to the heart.

Early diagnosis is important in coronary heart disease.

What is coronary heart disease?

Coronary heart disease, which may also be known as coronary artery disease, is the dominant cardiovascular pathology and the leading cause of death in both men and women.

This pathology is caused due to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries that go to the heart, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Treatment is essential when detecting coronary heart disease.

Know the symptoms of coronary heart disease

People with CHD can have very different symptoms. But there is also the possibility of not having them at the beginning, which means that people do not know they have this pathology until it becomes critical.

Among the most recurring symptoms of coronary heart disease is pain or discomfort in the chest known as angina which occurs when the heart is not receiving the necessary oxygen or blood; its intensity may vary in each person.

Other frequent symptoms are a feeling of heaviness or that the heart is being compressed.

This pain occurs when performing an activity or having a strong emotion and it disappears after a period of rest or after taking any medication, in addition, there may be difficulty breathing, fatigue, and weakness in general.

Coronary heart disease: treatment

For the diagnosis of there are different tests such as coronary angiography, stress test or tomography, among others.

For the diagnosis of coronary heart disease there are different tests such as coronary angiography, stress test, or a CT scan, among others.

Once the patient has been diagnosed with this condition, different types of treatment may be indicated depending on its symptoms and severity.

  • Lifestyle changes. Making different lifestyle changes will always benefit the heart, these include quitting smoking, getting enough sleep, eating a healthier diet, managing stress correctly, and exercising. In some cases, this may be enough to treat CHD.
  • Medication. If the doctor deems it necessary, they may prescribe different medications that will help reduce or prevent chest pain, as well as control other conditions. Because each patient will experience a unique situation, the type of medication, as well as its purpose, will be unique.
  • Procedures. In some cases, heart surgery may be necessary to treat serious coronary heart disease. These procedures include myocardial revascularization surgery, percutaneous coronary intervention, and transmyocardial laser revascularization, among others.

Once the diagnosis has been immediately addressed, the patient should receive routine medical care that includes medical tests, check-ups, and drug therapy.

Also, depending on the case, cardiac rehabilitation may be necessary, which will be indicated by the doctor, as well as making other lifestyle changes.

Learn more about coronary heart disease at ABC Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Center, where we can provide specialized care. Contact us!


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    Ricardo Ostos

    Ricardo Ostos

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    Ricardo can convey complex medical information in an accessible and friendly way so that all of our patients can understand and benefit from it. In addition, he has an empathetic approach, offering information and practical advice that really makes a difference in people's lives. #lifebringsustogether.

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