ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > What is a gynecologic check-up?

What is a gynecologic check-up?

20 December 2022

During a gynecologic check-up, the doctor will check the woman’s health, specifically their reproductive system. This way you will be able to prevent, treat, and diagnose gynecological diseases, which include ovarian or uterine cancer, breast cancer, and cystitis, among others.

It is usual for women to present at least one gynecological disease throughout their life, so the best recommendation is to see a gynecologist for a preventive check-up, if possible.

What does a gynecologist check during the appointment?

At the gynecologic check-up, the doctor will be able to perform different tests that will allow knowing the woman’s condition, these include:

  • Pelvic exam. Revision of both internal and external genital organs.
  • Pap smear. Study of cells from the cervix to detect cancer or human papillomavirus (HPV) lesions.
  • Breast examination. It focuses on the detection of lumps, asymmetry, secretions, or irregularities of the breasts.
  • Abdominal or vaginal ultrasound. It allows one to check the ovaries and the uterus, managing to detect the presence of cysts.

In addition to the examination that the doctor will perform, they will also ask a series of questions that will allow them to obtain relevant information such as:

  • Family history
  • Age
  • Consumption habits
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Number of sexual partners
  • Menstrual cycles characteristics (regular or irregular)

When should I have a gynecologic check-up?

Although there is no exact age for when you should start visiting the gynecologist, it is recommended that from the first menstrual cycle or after the first sexual intercourse, this visit be done annually and, from that moment, each person, along with their doctor, will determine the frequency of visits.

According to the results of the tests and gynecologic review, the doctor will determine the way to proceed.

On the other hand, there are special situations that require an unscheduled gynecologic check-up:

  • Menstrual pain. Pain that interferes with your daily life and is not controlled with medication.
  • Frequent irregularities in menstruation. It is recommended to perform a medical check-up in case of detecting alterations in your menstruation.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse. It is not normal to have pain while having sex, if this happens visit your gynecologist.
  • Foul smell. Strong and intense odors in the genital area are not normal.
  • Breast lumps detection. If you identify the appearance of a lump or irregularity in the chest, go to the doctor.
  • Family planning. Whether you are thinking of starting a family or not getting pregnant, the gynecologist will guide you to achieve your goal.

At ABC Medical Center Women’s Center, you can have a gynecologic check-up and we can provide you with specialized care. Contact us!


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    Ricardo Ostos

    Ricardo Ostos

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    Ricardo can convey complex medical information in an accessible and friendly way so that all of our patients can understand and benefit from it. In addition, he has an empathetic approach, offering information and practical advice that really makes a difference in people's lives. #lifebringsustogether.

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