ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > How do high temperatures affect?

How do high temperatures affect?

15 June 2018

In hot weather we must be very careful with some ailments that we can suffer from lack of attention to our body.

During summer, the risks of dehydration increase due to sun exposure, sunstroke, thermal injury associated with exercise, heat stroke, and skin burns.

Also, gastrointestinal diseases increase due to the intake of food and drinks that, due to high temperatures, tend to decompose faster. Try to eat fresh and well-cooked food, especially seafood which you should avoid eating raw.

Other complications that arise from permanent exposure to UV rays is the one that causes skin damage that ranges from the appearance of deep wrinkles and spots to cancer.

We recommend you avoid direct sun exposure for a long time, use sunscreen, hats, umbrellas, caps, wear loose clothing and, most importantly, stay hydrated. Remember to avoid exposing yourself to the sun between 10:00 and 16:00, the period of greatest solar radiation.

If you come across someone with hot, flushed skin, no sweating, a strong pounding pulse, heavy breathing, dilated pupils, fever, dizziness, or loss of consciousness, they should get medical help immediately.

Children under five years old tend to suffer from dehydration, so in the event of any symptom they should be transferred to the hospital to be treated.

As a hygienic measure, we recommend that you wash your hands every time you go to the bathroom and before preparing food.

Remember to consult your doctor if you have any symptoms due to prolonged sun exposure.

With information from the Secretariat of Health.

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