ABC Medical Center > Bone diseases

What is Bone diseases?

17:31 - 2 July , 2021


The bones have a significant importance in the body, since these, together with the muscles, are responsible for the movement of the body, in addition to constituting a solid protection for vital organs such as the heart, brain, and lungs. Also, the bone marrow is located within the bones, which is essential for the production of the various types of blood cells.

Bone cells regenerate continuously, which means that every decade the 206 bones in our body are completely renewed. 

There are multiple diseases that affect the skeletal system’s morphology and physiology, which can cause chronic pain and inflammation, weakness, immobility, and fractures, among other symptoms.

Most common bone disorders:


occurs in infants due to lack of vitamin D, which affects bone strength and growth. The most common signs are pain in the limbs and spine, decreased locomotion skills, and general weakness. It is usually treated with foods that contain vitamin D or supplements, and if there are problems absorbing this nutrient, other medications are prescribed. In cases where bone abnormalities are serious, a surgical procedure is indicated to correct them.


bone density is lost because the body cannot compensate for the loss with adequate regeneration, so the bones become brittle and susceptible to fracture with any blow or fall.

It occurs frequently in women over 55 years old.

The indicated treatment is the practice of some sport to make the bones stronger, in addition to the intake of calcium and vitamin D.


when a bone breaks, its causes range from diseases that weaken the bones, to accidents that can cause them in individuals with a healthy skeletal system. Normally, immobilization of the affected area and painkillers are enough to recover from a fracture, but if it is a serious injury, surgery may be required.

Bone cancer:

despite being a rare cancer, it is one of the most lethal. It seems to be hereditary, and its main symptoms are pain and inflammation in the affected part, tiredness, weakness, recurrent fractures, and decreased body weight.

Treatment ranges from chemotherapy and radiotherapy to surgery. 


It is caused by a bacterial infection in an area of the body that spreads to the bones through the bloodstream or through an open wound that reaches the bone tissue.

Its symptoms are pain and inflammation of the affected part, high fever, tiredness, and weakness, but if it is not treated it can cause necrosis and become fatal. Treatment is based on antibiotics and surgery in cases of localized necrosis to remove damaged tissue.

Perthes disease:

appears in childhood and its causes are unknown, but it is a condition in which the blood stops reaching the hip bones, causing damage at cellular level, being an important factor for the development of fractures and osteoarthritis.

Symptoms include hip pain, difficulty walking, and a noticeable limp.

Treatment includes physiotherapy and surgery, among other therapeutic possibilities.


it is called glass bone disease because it is a genetic condition that causes extreme fragility in them, causing numerous fractures on a recurring basis.  

It is a genetic anomaly that prevents collagen synthesis, an essential component for bone strength, which produces symptoms such as weakness, teeth that break easily, spinal deviations, and hearing impairment.

It is an incurable and disabling disease, so the treatment seeks to improve the patient’s quality of life through physiotherapy, painkillers, and surgery in more serious cases.

At the Orthopedics and Traumatology Center we seek to improve the lives of patients restricted or immobilized by musculoskeletal disorders or injuries. We specialize in the care of the locomotor system by integrating the latest medical, biological, and technological advances, in strict adherence to the highest international standards of patient care.

We put our skills and knowledge at your service to provide you and your loved ones with cutting-edge treatments and highly specialized medical care in the following procedures:

  • Arthroscopic surgery.
  • Partial and total joint replacement surgery (prostheses).
  • Trauma surgery.
  • Hand surgery. 
  • Foot and ankle surgery.
  • Spinal surgery.

We treat injuries such as:

  • Dislocation.
  • Chronic bone and joint diseases.
  • Ligaments.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Joint replacements.


  • Palenzuela-Ramos Y, Moreira-Díaz LR, Padrón-Álvarez JE. Osteogénesis imperfecta, reporte de un caso. Universidad Médica Pinareña. 2020;16(2):1-6.
  • Reyes TMI, Troche CY. Utilización de bisfosfonatos en las enfermedades de los huesos. Rev Cubana Farm. 2012;46(4):.
  • Matos PG, Andrade PP, Sacramento SM, et al. Cambios en los huesos y del sistema estomatognático asociadas con las enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas. Rev Cubana Estomatol. 2013;50(4):422-435.
  • Gamboa MA, Garzón-Alvarado DA. Factores mecánicos en enfermedades osteocondrales. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd. 2011;30(1):174-193.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.