ABC Medical Center > Hydrocele

What is Hydrocele?

21:54 - 4 May , 2021


It is a scrotal inflammatory process due to the accumulation of fluid around the testicles, a common condition in babies that gets solved on its own during the first year of life. In children, adolescents, and adults it is manifested by a testicular trauma, injury, inflammation, or infection.

Hydrocele does not usually cause pain, is not dangerous nor affects fertility, but it is important that in case of scrotal inflammation, you see your doctor to avoid complications or determine that the origin is some underlying disease.

Signs and symptoms Hydrocele

  • Painless swelling in one or both testicles.
  • Annoyance and discomfort due to scrotal size and weight.
  • Burning and skin irritation in the scrotum.
  • Increased inflammation during the day.
  • Inability to palpate the testicle due to the amount of surrounding fluid.

If you or your child experience these symptoms, the swelling increases, or pain begins, you will need to see your doctor to receive timely treatment and rule out other conditions such as:

  • Inguinal hernia.
  • Infections.
  • Testicular torsion.
  • Tumors.

Diagnosis and treatment Hydrocele

Once your doctor analyzes your symptoms and clinical history, they will perform a physical examination, placing special emphasis on the scrotal area, in which:

  • They will check to see if your scrotum is swollen.
  • Will measure its sensitivity.
  • Will determine if you have an inguinal hernia by pressing on your scrotum and abdomen.
  • Will perform a transillumination procedure, shining a light into the scrotum to look for fluid around the testicle.

It will also request tests such as:

  • Blood and urine tests to identify any infectious process.
  • Ultrasound.
  • MRI.

Hydrocele that affects babies usually does not require treatment because it heals naturally, but in children, adolescents and adults, an accurate medical evaluation is needed to detect causes and treat them properly.

Similarly, it may become necessary to perform a hydrocelectomy, which is an outpatient surgical procedure that involves removing the hydrocele through a small cut in the scrotum, leaving a catheter for several days to drain the fluid.

If you undergo this surgery, it is important to continue to medically monitor your progress, because there are times when the hydrocele can reappear.

How to prevent a hydrocele:

  • Avoid blows and testicular injuries.
  • Wear well-fitting underwear and testicular protection when engaging in contact sports or activities with the risk of trauma.

At ABC Medical Center’s Internal Medicine Department, we offer health care services with the highest quality and safety, from the prevention, diagnosis, timely treatment, and monitoring of infectious, respiratory, endocrinological, dermatological, rheumatic, nephrological, gastrointestinal, and hematological pathologies of both chronic-degenerative diseases and acute conditions, through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary model.


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  • Domínguez-Chicas A. Principales enfermedades en urología pediátrica: manifestaciones clínicas, abordaje, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Rev CONAMED. 2018;23(3):132-140.
  • Tundidor BÁM. Prevención del hidrocele postoperatorio en la cirugía del varicocele. RCU. 2014;3(1):42-44.
  • Villanueva RA. Fisiopatología y tratamiento del hidrocele. Rev Med Cos Cen. 2013;70(608):701-703.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.