ABC Medical Center > Neck Pain

What is Neck Pain?

21:54 - 4 May , 2021


It manifests with discomfort in the various parts that make up the neck, whether at muscular, nervous, joint, vertebral, or disc levels.

The pain is often accompanied by a stiff neck, which limits the ability to move, and in the case of compressed nerves, the upper limbs’ strength may be affected, causing tingling and numbness.

As neck pain is a fairly common condition, daily activities can often be the cause of it due to the effect of tension in the muscles. Some of these can be:

  • Adopting a hunched position while working at a computer for several hours.
  • Watching television without having an upright posture.
  • Reading in an inappropriate position.
  • Placing the computer monitor higher or lower than our line of sight.
  • Spending the night in uncomfortable places or doing it in an inappropriate posture.
  • Subjecting the neck to excess tension when exercising.
  • Carrying objects that are too heavy or doing so without having a straight back and neck.

Likewise, neck pain can be caused by injuries or accidents that cause fractures and whiplash. Other conditions are potential neck pain triggers, such as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Herniated or ruptured discs.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Spinal stenosis.
  • Oncological conditions that affect the spine.
  • Meningitis.

In general, neck pain gradually decreases without the need for specialized treatment, but if you experience severe pain that does not subside in two or three days, a migraine, or notice a loss of strength in the upper and lower limbs, see your doctor to be properly assessed and receive optimal treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment Neck Pain

After analyzing your symptoms and medical history, your doctor will perform a physical examination, checking your neck’s ability to move, its strength, and sensitivity. Similarly, they will request a series of tests to determine the origin of your condition, which may include blood tests, X-rays, MRI, computed tomography, electromyography, and lumbar puncture.

The treatment to follow will depend on the cause of the neck pain, its severity, and your general health, but painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants are usually prescribed.

Additionally, temporary immobilization devices (collars), transcutaneous electrical stimulation, and physical therapy sessions may be required.

When conservative treatment is unsuccessful, corticosteroids injected into the nerves and muscles may be applied, or ultimately a surgical procedure may be used to release compressed nerves.

At ABC Medical Center’s Internal Medicine Department, we offer health care services with the highest quality and safety, from the prevention, diagnosis, timely treatment, and monitoring of infectious, respiratory, endocrinological, dermatological, rheumatic, nephrological, gastrointestinal, and hematological pathologies of both chronic-degenerative diseases and acute conditions, through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary model.


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  • Guevara GRG, Padilla HAM, Millán OJE, et al. Estrés y síndrome de burnout de estudiantes de la facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Rev Mex Med Forense. 2019;4(Suppl: 1):103-105.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.