This non-invasive computerized procedure that shows the types of waves and connections between different areas of the brain is also known as a quantitative electroencephalogram.
Through brain mapping, it is possible to identify the areas of the brain related to speech, movement, and vision which allows establishing the precise area that is going to be operated on without putting these important brain activities at risk.
This diagnosis is used for the detection of some brain pathologies, such as:
- Stroke.
- Epilepsy.
- Traumatic brain injury.
- Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.
- Intellectual disabilities.
- Autism.
- Depression and anxiety.
- Dementia.
Statistically it is more accurate and sensitive in the diagnosis of white matter lesions than MRI, CT, or neurological examination, since it measures microscopic changes.
Digital brain mapping takes about an hour and a half to perform. It does not require any electrical current to the brain, just a tight-fitting electroencephalography cap that contains sensors, called electrodes, is placed on the head to measure the brain’s electrical activity for a few minutes. With this test, it is possible to establish the ideal treatment for each patient and predict the results.
At the Neurophysiology Clinic we are prepared to offer you the most advanced neurophysiological tests to diagnose the various pathologies that affect your nervous system, which represent a quantitative, reproducible, and generally non-invasive measure that enriches the neurological examination, providing an interaction platform and support in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologically affected patients.
The tests we perform include all the tools of a comprehensive neurophysiology service:
- Electroencephalogram.
- Electromyography.
- Evoked potentials.
- Outpatient polysomnography.
- Hospital polysomnography.
- Transcranial doppler.
- Neuro-otology tests.
- Otoacoustic emissions.
- Intraoperative monitoring.
- Magnetic stimulation.
Related centers and departments:
- Mojena RM, Somano RAJ, Blanco BN, et al. Mapeo cerebral en niños con trastornos por déficit de atención con hiperactividad o sin ella. Medicentro. 2012;16(1):26-35.
- Torres CF, Delgado SI, Montoya PA. Valor pronóstico del mapeo cerebral en la recuperación funcional del paciente con enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica . MediSan. 2012;16(10):.
- Núñez-Velasco S, Avendaño-Méndez-Padilla J, García-Iturbide R, et al. Cirugía despierta con mapeo cortico-subcortical en gliomas difusos adyacentes al lóbulo central. Reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura . Cir Cir. 2019;87(4):459-465.
- Gallegos M, Moguel S, Rubín CB. Alteraciones en el mapeo cerebral en la endotropía congénita variable. Rev Mex Oftalmol. 2004;78(3):122-126.