ABC Medical Center > Procedures > Gastric bypass

What is Gastric bypass?

15:25 - 13 May , 2021

Medical procedure



Within bariatric surgeries, gastric bypass is one of the most common procedures for morbidly obese patients who have not responded favorably to other less radical treatments to lose between 50 to 60% of their excess weight. 

This procedure’s technique consists of dividing the stomach in two; the upper part, which is smaller in size, is connected to the small intestine so that the stomach absorbs fewer calories by reducing the intake as a result of the reduced space. 

Other reasons why this procedure is recommended is that the patient suffers from hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, and type 2 diabetes.

This surgery can be open or laparoscopic. The latter is more recommended because it is less risky and minimizes recovery times, because instead of making a large incision, small cuts are made through which a small camera and the special surgical equipment are inserted.

Before the procedure:

You will be asked for various tests to see if you can undergo this surgery, including blood tests and ultrasounds, but depending on your case, you will be given complementary tests. You will also be given advice on nutrition and psychological support, asking you to avoid alcohol and tobacco.

After the procedure: 

If the gastric bypass is performed laparoscopically, it will be necessary for you to remain hospitalized for three or four days and you will recover in approximately one month.

Potential risks:

As it is a major surgery, gastric bypass has various risks, regardless of the usual risks due to anesthesia and surgery itself, including:

  • Ulcers in the stomach and gastritis.
  • Damage to the stomach or other organs.
  • Leaks between the two divided parts of the stomach. 
  • Abdominal and intestinal blockages.

At the Nutrition & Obesity Center we offer you comprehensive care according to your needs to help you have a healthy lifestyle, control your weight, change your body composition, prevent and manage associated diseases, as well as improve your physical and sports performance.

We have specialized schemes for accelerated and sustained weight loss under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team, based on safe and scientifically supported methods.

Related centers and departments:


  • Ocampo GS, Sanz MA, Santiago NF, et al. Resultados a corto plazo de cirugía bariátrica en el Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde”. Cir Gen. 2018;40(2):94-104.
  • López-Caballero C, Vélez-Pérez F, Visag-Castillo V, et al. Bypass gástrico laparoscópico simplificado. Experiencia de tres años en Médica Sur. Med Sur. 2015;22(4):203-207.
  • León-Quintero N, Llamas-Prieto LE, Rodriguez-Rodriguez G, et al. Evaluación mediante el modelo BAROS de los resultados de pacientes con 1 año postquirúrgico de Manga y Bypass Gástrico para el tratamiento de obesidad. Rev Med MD. 2018;9.10(2):143-149.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.