ABC Medical Center > Transcranial doppler

What is Transcranial doppler?

21:59 - 4 May , 2021

Medical procedure



It is a non-invasive procedure whose technique uses ultrasound to analyze blood circulation in the brain arteries, identifying its direction and speed. 

It is mainly focused on diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of cerebrovascular pathologies, more specifically, in patients who have suffered a stroke, being also a brain death confirmatory test.

This technique has significantly expanded its use in recent years due to its non-invasive nature, its short duration, and its low cost, making it a key means of studying strokes or cerebrovascular accidents in detail, whether hemorrhagic or ischemic. 

With transcranial Doppler it is possible to accurately assess blood flow in the brain, identify fistulas and vascular malformations, in addition to measuring the volume of brain hematomas. 

Being a neurological emergency, stroke must be diagnosed and treated immediately, since the longer you wait, the more brain damage increases. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the application of specific treatment significantly improves the prognosis for the patient. 

Within this precise and reliable ultrasonographic technique, there are two variants: Doppler and color echo-Doppler. 

The second is more recent and, although it is similar to the first, it introduces the benefit of providing anatomical images, which allows a clear vision of the brain vessels, important for the identification of intracranial artery stenosis.

At the Neurophysiology Clinic we are prepared to offer you the most advanced neurophysiological tests to diagnose the various pathologies that affect your nervous system, which represent a quantitative, reproducible, and generally non-invasive measure that enriches the neurological examination, providing an interaction platform and support in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologically affected patients.

The tests we perform include all the tools of a comprehensive neurophysiology service:

  • Electroencephalogram.
  • Electromyography.
  • Evoked potentials.
  • Outpatient polysomnography.
  • Hospital polysomnography.
  • Transcranial doppler.
  • Neuro-otology tests.
  • Otoacoustic emissions.
  • Intraoperative monitoring.
  • Magnetic stimulation.

Related centers and departments:


  • radiologyinfo.org
  • cun.es
  • mayoclinic.org
  • medlineplus.gov
  • msdmanuals.com
  • medigraphic.com
  • Scherle MCE, Fernández CL, Miranda HJL. Utilidad del Doppler transcraneal en el diagnóstico de la estenosis arterial intracraneal: presentación de un caso. Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir. 2013;3(1):73-76.
  • Scherle MCE, Pérez NJ. Utilidad del ultrasonido Doppler transcraneal en Neurología. Rev Acta Médica. 2009;12(1):.
  • Díaz-Carrillo MA. Aplicaciones ultrasonográficas en neuromonitoreo: Doppler transcraneal. Rev Mex Anest. 2017;40(Suppl: 1):258-269.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.