ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > Restructuring of the Observatorio Campus for COVID-19

Restructuring of the Observatorio Campus for COVID-19

24 April 2020


Restructuring of the Observatorio Campus for COVID-19
Our Critical Care and Hospitalization Towers, on the Observatorio campus, are now exclusive care spaces for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with COVID-19.

The care areas of these Towers have been redirected to the Santa Fe Campus, which has the ability to care for our patients from:

  • Pediatrics
  • Intermediate and intensive care
  • Surgery Hospitalization
  • Internal medicine

Santa Fe Campus is not receiving COVID-19 patients

Restructuring of the Observatorio Campus for COVID-19
The Central Tower of the Observatorio Campus will continue to provide service for:

  • Clinical Laboratory
  • Radiology and Molecular Imaging
  • Ob-Gyn
  • Oncological Hospitalization
  • Pediatric Heart Center Doctor’s Offices
  • Hematopoietic Cell Transplant.
  • Blood Bank

Based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Secretariat of Health, we have implemented all the isolation measures and security protocols at our facilities’ entrances and during hospital stay.
Our Cancer Center is also isolated to protect cancer patients.

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