ABC Medical Center > Hemostasis

What is Hemostasis?

21:59 - 4 May , 2021

Medical procedure



It is a series of organic functions that act as a defense mechanism of the body against internal or external bleeding, either stopping or preventing it.

Hemostasis is the ability of the body to keep the blood in the blood vessels when an injury occurs, starting with platelet accumulation, the creation of clots to plug a hemorrhage, and, once the damage is repaired, dissolve the formed clots.

Hemostasis consists of two stages:

  • Primary:
    When blood platelets come into play, accumulating in the damaged area to form what is known as a hemostatic platelet plug.
  • Secondary:
    Through various plasma proteins such as fibrin, a clot that plugs the injury is formed preventing blood from flowing out.

The coagulation process is due to the initiation of various chemical reactions in which the 13 known coagulation factors play a key role, converting fibrinogen, which is a soluble protein, into fibrin, which is insoluble, thus constituting the clot structure.

Most of the proteins involved in the blood clotting process are generated in vascular endothelial cells.

When the hemostatic process is abnormal, it is usually due to platelet insufficiency known as thrombocytopenia, a lack of some clotting factors, or conditions such as:

  • Hemophilia.
  • Willebrand’s disease.
  • Congenital deficiencies in clotting factors.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Viral infections.
  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Intake of anticoagulants.
  • Vitamin C deficiency.
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Uremia.
  • Pregnancy.

Hemostatic studies focus on platelet measurement and prothrombin and thromboplastin times, which are usually indicated in cases such as:

  • Recurrent bleeding
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism.
  • Deep venous thrombosis.
  • Von Willebrand disease.

Likewise, clotting factors’ molecular tests are needed to detect an abnormality that may predispose the patient to thrombosis.

At ABC Medical Center’s Internal Medicine Department, we offer health care services with the highest quality and safety, from the prevention, diagnosis, timely treatment, and monitoring of infectious, respiratory, endocrinological, dermatological, rheumatic, nephrological, gastrointestinal, and hematological pathologies of both chronic-degenerative diseases and acute conditions, through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary model.

Related centers and departments:


  • Coenraad HH, Jaloma CAR. Tromboscopia calibrada automatizada en el estudio de los trastornos de la hemostasia. Rev Hematol Mex. 2012;13(1):25-31.
  • Zamora-González Y. Pruebas del coagulograma y componentes de la hemostasia. Utilidad para diagnosticar las diátesis hemorrágicas. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter. 2012;28(2):141-150.
  • Necoechea AJC. Factores trombogénicos. Rev Mex Cardiol. 1999;10(2):70-84.
  • Gómez CJC, López HP, Ramos HC. Valoración de sangrado y hemostasia en quirófano. Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex. 2000;63(4):288-290

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.