What is Internal Medicine?

Internal medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases (which affect the entire body) or of a single organ and which do not require surgical care.

At ABC Internal Medicine we offer:

  • Specialized service. A medical care service for the prevention, diagnosis, timely treatment, and follow-up of infectious, respiratory, endocrinological, dermatological, rheumatic, nephrological, gastrointestinal, and hematological pathologies, among others.
  • Specialized care. Care of chronic-degenerative conditions such as acute processes through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary model.
  • Training of specialists. We have ongoing training of specialists, who perform research activities and contribute to better practice thereof.
  • Consultations for hospitalization. We perform consultations in the services that request it when the patient is hospitalized, where cardiovascular and preoperative evaluations are carried out, such as electrocardiogram evaluations or in-office management due to uncontrolled pathologies such as hypertension and diabetes.

How can we help you?

    Internal Medicine Hospitalization

    In Internal Medicine we offer the widest range of diagnosis, timely treatment, and follow-up services for patients with medical conditions through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary model.
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    Endoscopy Unit

    Our endoscopy unit looks for signs and symptoms to detect gastrointestinal diseases and disorders and solve them through treatment, using the latest endoscopic equipment designs and methods.
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    Diabetes Clinic

    Patients with diabetes need to control it with personalized treatment to achieve a good quality of life.
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    Diseases and Medical Procedures

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    Learn about the most common conditions and procedures attended and performed by our center

    Title Padecimiento o Prodecimiento

    13:00 - 2 Diciembre, 2021


    Vivamus tristique at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum. Aenean dapibus ipsum sed libero dapibus, quis tincidunt erat porta. Vivamus tristique at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum.

    Title Padecimiento o Prodecimiento 2

    13:00 - 3 Diciembre, 2021


    Tristique vivamus at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum. Aenean dapibus ipsum sed libero dapibus, quis tincidunt erat porta. Vivamus tristique at neque at mattis. Nunc malesuada id dui et bibendum.

    Among other functions, we assess and care for patients with possible complications, for example:

    • Cancer treatment side effects such as ischemia secondary to chemotherapies, heart failure, or fluid overload in post-surgical heart disease or pneumopathic patients.
    • Oncological emergencies such as hypercalcemia, fluid, and electrolyte imbalance with dehydration, carcinoid syndrome, superior vena cava syndrome, thrombotic events at any level, stroke, and extra or intra-hospital infectious processes, among others.
    • Support is provided to all hospital services; the palliative patient is also managed comprehensively.
    • Chronic disease care and monitoring to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Also, postsurgical metabolic controls are performed for patients undergoing total thyroidectomies.

    ¿Por qué elegir nuestro Centro de Medicina Interna?

    • What is Internal Medicine?
    • At ABC Internal Medicine we offer
    • Medical Specialties that are attended in Internal Medicine of the ABC