ABC Medical Center > Aneurysms

What is Aneurysms?

10:12 - 9 April , 2021


This condition can affect any artery in the body, which manifests with the appearance of a balloon-shaped blister in an artery as a result of the weakening of the arterial walls that are pushed out by blood pressure.

Depending on the level of dilation, an aneurysm can burst and cause life-threatening bleeding.

They usually occur in the brain, causing a stroke that can result in death, and in the aorta, either at the thoracic or abdominal level, with the risk of fatal cardiovascular consequences.

In the case of brain aneurysms, they usually appear between the brain and the tissue that covers it, causing a subarachnoid hemorrhage when it bursts, leading to a hemorrhagic stroke, which is a medical emergency that needs immediate attention. 

Many times brain aneurysms do not burst and do not have symptoms or complications, so they are usually detected by accident when tests are performed for other reasons. Once detected, treatment is focused on preventing a possible rupture later on. 

The direct causes of their appearance have not yet been determined, but it is known that they affect older women more and that there are a series of potential risks that have been identified as possible triggers: 

  • Head injuries.
  • Infections.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Smoking.
  • Drug addiction.
  • High blood pressure.

In the case of birth factors, these are associated with the presence of various conditions such as:

  • Arterial malformations. 
  • Having family members who have had an aneurysm. 
  • Aortic narrowing
  • Ehlers Danlos syndrome.
  • Polycystic kidney disease. 

Signs and symptoms Aneurysms

Burst aneurysm:

  • Numbness of the face and neck.
  • Blurred view.
  • Photosensitivity.
  • Intense abrupt headache.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Seizures.
  • Lack of clarity.
  • Fainting.

Unburst aneurysm:

Most of the time there are no symptoms, especially when the aneurysms are small, but sometimes they can cause the following:

  • Pupil dilation.
  • Pain inside the eye.
  • Blurred view.
  • Numb or tingling face.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should go to the Emergency Room of ABC Medical Center so that you receive timely treatment and the damage caused by the aneurysm can be minimized. Remember that a ruptured aneurysm is a serious danger to your life.

Diagnosis and treatment Aneurysms

In case there are symptoms that indicate a ruptured aneurysm, it will be necessary to perform a series of tests to identify and locate the aneurysm, as well as the damage it may have caused.

The most common diagnostic tests are MRI, cerebral angiography, computed tomography, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. 

The most common treatment alternatives to repair a ruptured brain aneurysm are:

  • Placement of surgical staples to close it and stop the bleeding. 
  • Endovascular embolization through a catheter that ties the aneurysm with a special wire that stops the bleeding. 

At the Neurological Center, a select group of highly professional and certified doctors in the various neurological specialties are ready to assist you with the quality and warmth that characterizes us.

Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive and multidisciplinary care programs for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of nervous system diseases, always focusing our activities on your safety.

Nervous system specialties

  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Spine surgery
  • Pediatric neurosurgery
  • Neurophysiology
  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Neuropathology
  • Interventional neuroradiology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Neuro-otology
  • Epilepsy
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Neuroimaging


  • fundación española del corazón
  • Rojas-Reyna GA, Cervantes-Castro J, Alvarado-Bachmann R, et al. Aneurismas de la arteria poplítea. Treinta años de experiencia en el Centro Médico ABC. Cir Cir. 2008;76(1):55-59.
  • Soler L, Guimaraens L, Vivas E. Tratamiento de los aneurismas cerebrales. FMC 2008; 15(2):101-12.
  • Tamez-Montes D, Ramírez-Barrios LR, Garza-Mercado R, et al. Tratamiento microquirúrgico de los aneurismas intracraneales rotos. Arch Neurocien. 2012;17(1):39-41.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.