ABC Medical Center > Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

What is Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?

15:32 - 13 May , 2021


They are diverse infections that are spread through sexual intercourse and the exchange of some body fluid, although on some occasions they are transmitted through blood transfusions, used syringes, and from the pregnant mother to the baby.

The type of infections caused by these pathologies can be bacterial, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia; viral, such as HIV, genital herpes, and human papillomavirus; or parasitic, such as trichomoniasis.

Potential risks:

All people with a sexually active life are at risk of contracting some of these diseases at some point in their life. However, some behaviors maximize these potential risks of infection, such as:

  • Promiscuity (having multiple sexual partners).
  • Having unprotected sex.
  • Intravenous drug use.
  • Drug addiction and alcoholism that promote high-risk actions.

Signs and symptoms Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Although some of the sexually transmitted diseases have no symptoms, some appear more frequently:

  • Warts, lesions, or abrasions in the genital and anal area.
  • Abnormal discharge from the vagina and penis.
  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Painful intercourse.
  • High fever.
  • Rash.
  • Swollen glands.

Depending on the type of infection in each particular case, symptoms may appear early (days after infection) or late (years after infection).

Diagnosis and treatment Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

It is possible to diagnose the type of STD you have through laboratory tests such as blood and urine tests.

Treatment will depend on the type of infection, so if you suffer from a bacterial or parasitic infection, they will prescribe antibiotics that can eradicate it; while viral infections have no cure, antivirals will help reduce their intensity and stop their recurrence.

At ABC Medical Center we have a team of experts in the various branches of gynecology ready to serve you with world-class quality and safety standards, as well as the humane treatment and warmth that characterizes us. Come to us and you will receive the best care available in Mexico and Latin America.

We are pioneers in gynecologic laparoscopy, which allows us to offer you the best treatment options, with shorter hospitalization times, as well as a faster and less painful recovery, taking care of the aesthetic aspect with smaller scars than open surgeries. We offer you robot-assisted gynecologic surgeries, being an even less invasive and more precise procedure with benefits such as:

20% of all robot surgeries performed at ABC Medical Center correspond to this specialty, which places us as a cutting-edge institution with vast experience and leadership in the field for the benefit of our patients.


  • Malpartida AMK. Enfermedades de transmisión sexual en la atención primaria. Revista Médica Sinergia. 2020;5(04):1-10.
  • Solórzano SF. Reemergencia de Sífilis y Gonorrea en México. Enf Infec Microbiol. 2018;38(4):103.
  • Haithem TH, Quintana UM, Rodríguez ML. Promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual en estudiantes universitarios. EduMeCentro. 2018;10(3):158-173.

How can we help you?

    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.