ABC Medical Center > Nasal fracture reduction

What is Nasal fracture reduction?

15:21 - 9 April , 2021

Medical procedure



Nose fracture is one of the most common body injuries and facial trauma, generating cosmetic deformities or obstruction of the nasal passages. Therefore, it is necessary to perform surgery to put the bones of the nose back in place and make it possible for you to breathe without difficulty.

Common symptoms of a nasal fracture:

  • Pain.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Bruising around one or both eyes.
  • Inflammation in the external part and in the nasal bridge.
  • A misshapen or crooked nose after the swelling has decreased.
  • Fever.
  • Constant bleeding inside or outside the nose.

Diagnosis and treatment:

Proper diagnosis and surgical intervention are essential. To find out if your nose is broken, you will have X-rays and probably a CT scan or other tests to rule out a more serious injury.

If you have a minor fracture that has not twisted or deformed your nose, your ABC doctor will assess the appropriate care for your recovery, which may include ice in the affected area and the intake of painkillers. 

If you require surgery, it is usually performed between three to five days after the injury occurs in order to reduce the edema. But it is essential to do it between two to three weeks later to prevent the bone callus from forming. 

Nasal fractures in adults can be performed under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia is used in children.

If the break displaced the bones and cartilage in your nose, your doctor:

  • Will inject medications or give a nasal spray to relieve discomfort.
  • It will open the nostrils and use special tools to help realign the broken bones and cartilage.
  • It will splint your nose using compresses and a bandage on the outside. You may need an internal splint for a while. Compresses, in general, should be left inside the nose for a week. 
  • It will prescribe antibiotics to prevent possible infection from bacteria found in the nose.

In our High Specialty Surgery Center, we perform more than 7,000 cutting-edge surgical procedures each year with state-of-the-art technology.

Our mission is to provide you with general and highly specialized medical-surgical services with the highest standards of quality and safety comparable with international centers of excellence through a multidisciplinary team that uses evidence-based clinical protocols that guarantee the best assistance and care of your health.

ABC Medical Center has always been known for practicing cutting-edge medicine. Our commitment to innovate keeps us as leaders in the practice of this discipline.

Your next surgery in expert and certified hands.

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  • Rodríguez-Perales MA, Canul-Andrade LP, Villagra-Siles E. Tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas del seno frontal. Otorrinolaringología. 2004;49(2):43-57.
  • Hernández-Méndez JR, Felemovicius-Hermangus J, Íñigo-Arroyo F, et al. Complicaciones en pacientes operados de reducción de fracturas naso-órbito-etmoidales de acuerdo con la clasificación de Manson y Markowitz. Cir Plast. 2019;29(3):255-261. doi:10.35366/91730.
  • Navarrete AK. Fractura nasal. Rev Med Cos Cen. 2015;72(615):275-279.

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    The dissemination of the content of this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace, under any circumstance or condition, a consultation with a specialist doctor, for which the ABC Medical Center is not responsible for the different use that may be given to it. If you require more information related to the subject, we suggest you contact the specialist doctor you trust directly.