Educational support service

Educational support

Medical Education Center
by Simulators


Simulation is a training method for acquiring abilities and skills that reproduces reality in a controlled and safe environment, in this case, in the field of medicine.

The greatest power of this educational method lies in trying and failing without consequence for the patients, it prevents and corrects errors without risk, managing to perfect the procedures, which results in better care for patients.

At the Medical Education Center by Simulators, practices with simulated clinical cases can be carried out in various specialties, particularly intensive therapy, cardiology, ob-gyn, anesthesia, and trauma through two fundamental areas:

Educational support service


Constituida por tres salas con robots de alta fidelidad que se pueden programar con diferentes escenarios clínicos, controlados desde una sala de comando que cuenta con tres cámaras de Gesell, con sistema de videograbación y sonido con traducción simultánea al aula de recapitulación y reforzamiento, para desarrollar procesos interactivos sobre la actuación y desempeño de los alumnos.

Educational support service


Consisting of three rooms with high-fidelity robots that can be programmed with different clinical scenarios, controlled from a command room that has three Gesell cameras, with video recording and sound system with simultaneous translation to the classroom for recapitulation and reinforcement, to develop interactive processes on student performance and actions.

Educational support service

Educational support service

Surgery and virtual endoscopy

It has equipment that offers haptic technology, that is, they manage to give the sensation of sensitivity, resistance, and mobility.
This area has:


Endovascular procedure simulator from the kidney to the brain area.


Presents a very wide range of endoscopies, colonoscopies, and fibroscopies.


Laparoscopic surgery simulator, in which there are modules of various surgical procedures in general surgery, colon and rectum, urology, and ob-gyn.


State-of-the-art equipment where orthopedic physicians can perform countless knee and shoulder surgical procedures.


Ideal complement to the Lap-Mentor for performing various skills in laparoscopic surgery and surgical procedures.


Simulator that offers skills and surgical procedures that allow to give the doctor a more specific training in urology.

Educational support service

Educational support service

Educational support service

The Center was created to offer state-of-the-art training with high-tech equipment to the medical community of the institution and the country. Undergraduate interns, residents of all specialties, and medical specialists who wish to continue practicing and honing their skills may attend.

Our Locations

At ABC Medical Center, we are prepared to serve you in out two Campuses 24/24h, 7 days a week.

Campus Observatorio

Sur 136 No. 116, Col. Las Américas,
Álvaro Obregón, 01120, Cd. de México.

Tel. 55 5230 8000

Campus Santa Fe

Av. Carlos Graef Fernández 154, Col. Santa Fe,
Cuajimalpa, 05300, Cd. de México.

Tel. 55 1103 1600