ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > Digestive health

Digestive health

28 May 2021


Key points:

  • Digestive health helps us look and feel good, taking care of it is of vital importance for the benefit of our general health.

  • Bacteria are not always bad, thousands of them reside in the microbiota and are our allies in maintaining good digestive health.

  • Do you have gastroesophageal reflux? Don’t worry, it is treatable and there is even the alternative of laparoscopic surgery if the medications don’t work. Get to know it!

What is digestive health?

It refers to the well-being that includes the entire digestive system.When we have good food digestion and intestinal transit is optimal, there is a balanced microbiota and the defenses are adequate, we can say that we have good digestive system health.

What is the microbiota?

In our intestines, we can find a whole microscopic world full of life, made up of a community of bacteria that perform specific functions for the benefit of our health.

The intestinal microbiota is made up of at least 1,000 different bacteria, weighs almost two kilos, and comprises 3.3 million genes, 150 more than the human genome.

Did you know?…70% of our immune cells and more than 100 million neurons that connect to the brain live in our gut, so one of the vital functions of the microbiota is to protect us from viruses and bacteria that cause disease, as well as regulate the supply of the energy we use every day.

Experts have called the intestinal microbiota a new organ since its functions are strictly necessary to maintain the digestive system health. Amazing, right?!

How to detect that my digestive health is not going well?

Some warning signs that you should see a doctor are:

  • Excess gas
  • Constipation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain

About gastroesophageal reflux

One of the most common digestive tract diseases is reflux, which causes the content found in the stomach to return to the esophagus, causing discomfort and some complications such as heartburn, vomiting, burning, among others.

What causes it?

The causes can vary and depend not only on the environmental factor but also on the patient’s lifestyle and health.

Among the risk factors, we find the consumption of fats or irritants, obesity, smoking, the use of some medications periodically, and, in general, any bad eating habit.

If not treated properly and on time, it can lead to bleeding, ulcers in the esophagus, and even cancer.

What types of treatments are there?

The first step is to identify the cause, then, the doctor could request some tests depending on the severity and progress to make a diagnosis and give its treatment recommendations.

Treatments range from changing eating habits, medications, and even laparoscopic surgery.

If your symptoms include:

  • Heartburn
  • Chest pain
  • Bad taste in mouth and breath
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Choking sensation at night
  • Sinusitis
  • Regurgitation

At ABC Medical Center’s Nutrition & Obesity Center, we can provide you with specialized care. Contact us!

Script made by Dr. Diego Lozoya, Centro Médico ABC.

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