ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > Learn about the SAT requirements and update your invoices with version 4.0 of the CFDI

Learn about the SAT requirements and update your invoices with version 4.0 of the CFDI

1 June 2022

As of July 1, to make a valid CFDI (invoice) that meets the new SAT requirements, they must have the following data:

  • RFC
  • Full legal name
  • Zip code of the legal address
  • Tax regime
  • Fiscal use of the invoice

Remember, these data must correspond exactly to the taxpayer’s proof of tax status issued by the SAT

Due to this, at the time of invoicing:

  1. We will request your updated proof of tax status.
  2. If you do not have this document, we will issue you a CFDI (generic invoice) and you can invoice again on our website

If you visit us frequently, you can upload your proof of tax status before your visit.

Upload your proof of tax status and save time! This way we will invoice you more quickly on your next visit.

We thank you for your understanding.
ABC Medical Center

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