ABC Medical Center > Digital magazine > What you should know about emotional support in a stroke

What you should know about emotional support in a stroke

5 August 2022

Key points:

  • Health/illness circumstances will have many complications.
  • Stroke will affect some of the patient’s physical and mental capacities.
  • Emotional support arises from the need to understand the situation that is being experienced.

A stroke or CVE (Cerebral Vascular Event) occurs when there is decreased blood flow to the brain and, if not treated in time, could lead to serious neurological problems, resulting in permanent physical disabilities.

As a result of this, Miguel Flores Morales, Coordinator of the ABC Medical Center Emotional Support Clinic, points out that there will be a strong impact on the patient’s life because some of their abilities will be irreversibly affected. In addition, it will collaterally impact the caregiver’s life.

“The most important causes of heart disease and CVE are an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, and the harmful use of alcohol ” 1

What is the importance of emotional support?

Emotional support for patients who have suffered a stroke, or for their caregivers, arises from the need to understand the situation that is being experienced and to address doubts such as whether the person will survive or not.

Both the patient and the family will have an emotional need when going through a grieving process. If their emotions are not identified, they could harm the patient’s and the caregiver’s body and state of mind.

The ABC Medical Center Emotional Support Clinic seeks to influence all those involved in care since health/disease circumstances have many complications.

The following situations can be addressed through this Clinic:

  • Acceptance of the disease.
  • Medication consumption.
  • Therapy.
  • Ask the family for help.

Also, in case the family is emotionally prepared, they will learn the types of intervention they can perform and what responsibilities they can delegate.

ABC Medical Center is certified as a Primary Center for the care of STROKE patients, endorsed by the Joint Commission International.

At the ABC Medical Center’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Area, we can provide you with specialized care. Contact us!

Miguel Flores Morales – Coordinator of the ABC Medical Center Emotional Support Clinic

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